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KLIA Topics - Master thread needed?

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1 minute ago, Chris Tan said:

Singapore requires all travellers arriving by air (not just Changi) to complete the SGAC, along with visitors by land. 
The SGAC is not a registration. A new submission is needed for each entry. 

Yea, that is what I meant to say. Each visit requires a new submission. Malaysia wise, the same for those who are eligible to use egate.


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1 hour ago, JuliusWong said:

The following passport holders are not required to submit MDAC and do not need to have their fingerprints captured during their first visit. They can use egate straight away.

i. Citizens of Singapore;

ii. Diplomatic and Official Passport holders;

iii. Malaysian Permanent Residents and Long Term-Pass holders;

iv. General Certificate of Identity (GCI) Brunei Darussalam holders;

v. Brunei Malaysia Frequent Traveller Facility holders; vi. Thailand Border Pass holders; and

vii. Indonesia Cross-Border Travel Document (PLB) holders.

What remains unclear if the initial ten countries and the additional 36 countries which were recently added are required to register MDAC 3 days before their arrival and need their fingerprint captured. (Singapore and Brunei are in the initial list of 10 countries and MDAC was later removed due to high traffic flow.) Based on what Kee Hooi Yen experienced, it would seem all these 46 countries do not require MDAC submission, get their fingerprint captured during first visit and can use egates straight away.

This FB post by Jabatan Imigresen reminds visitors to register MDAC prior to arrival, did not mention abt the exemption. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=868577615309901&set=a.355727943261540

Singapore wise they still require all visitors to register the online before their arrivals at Changi. Not sure if this has changed. 

I hope the border control will be stricter with this new improvement, Malaysia borders have been well known for being porous. 

We still submit MDAC form 3 days prior to our arrival. Not sure if that is an exemption applies to us but we still make the submission nonetheless.

Edited by Kee Hooi Yen

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MDAC is the arrival card - I think you need to submit this with every entry, like in the past with paper documents. Each trip is different.

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1 hour ago, flee said:

MDAC is the arrival card - I think you need to submit this with every entry, like in the past with paper documents. Each trip is different.

That is my understanding too. I am just clarifying on Julius post that “Based on what Kee Hooi Yen experienced, it would seem all these 46 countries do not require MDAC submission, get their fingerprint captured during first visit and can use egates straight away.” 🙂

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39 minutes ago, Kee Hooi Yen said:

That is my understanding too. I am just clarifying on Julius post that “Based on what Kee Hooi Yen experienced, it would seem all these 46 countries do not require MDAC submission, get their fingerprint captured during first visit and can use egates straight away.” 🙂

I am assuming you are Singaporean. If you are, then MDAC is not required. No harm to submit though.

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4 minutes ago, JuliusWong said:

I am assuming you are Singaporean. If you are, then MDAC is not required. No harm to submit though.

No worries. I am holding Aussie passport and it is listed in the first 10 countries. All good.

it is a big relief for us to be able to use e-gates at KLIA after the long wait experience at the immigration counter in the past, especially the one we had during last year CNY.

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1 hour ago, Kee Hooi Yen said:

No worries. I am holding Aussie passport and it is listed in the first 10 countries. All good.

it is a big relief for us to be able to use e-gates at KLIA after the long wait experience at the immigration counter in the past, especially the one we had during last year CNY.

That's good to hear. Sorry to hear about the lengthy wait, it was and still is the biggest bane entering and leaving Malaysia for foreigners. The current Ministry of Tourism Tiong King Sing is not a push over, have bombed and will keep bombing Ministry of Home Affairs if the latter service is slacking. The Visit Malaysia Year 2026 is a good opportunity for MAHB and MOHA to buckle up.

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7 hours ago, JuliusWong said:

The Visit Malaysia Year 2026 is a good opportunity for MAHB and MOHA to buckle up.

Like how the last hundred or so VM campaigns brought about significant and tangible improvements…? :D

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Aerodrome, airline operators to see huge hikes in certification fees from next year


Under the revised fee structure, annual aerodrome certification charges for airports with two runways will see a 50% increase to RM300,000 for three years from next January, RM390,000 from 2028 to 2030, and RM468,000 from 2031.

Those with a single runway will start paying RM225,000 from 2025 to 2027, RM292,000 from 2028 to 2030, and RM351,000 from 2031.

Short take-off and landing airports will pay RM25,000 (2025-2027), RM39,000 (2028-2030) and RM46,800 (from 2031).

Heliports on shore and shipboard helidecks will see charges of RM37,500 from 2025 to 2027, RM48,750 from 2028 to 2030 and RM58,500 from 2031.

Airlines will also have to fork out more for the annual renewal of certificates of airworthiness for each aircraft, based on the maximum certificated take-off mass.

Fees for application of renewal for certificates relating to continuing airworthiness management, maintenance of aeronautical products and maintenance training and renewal of air operator certificates will see substantial increases every three years from 2025.

Norazman said the changes in the fee structure marked a pivotal moment for the aviation regulator, signalling a transition from a state-sponsored model to a cost-recovery one funded by the industry.

“Recognising the pivotal role of a robust aviation regulatory framework and efficient air navigation services, the government has undertaken comprehensive measures to reform CAAM’s financial structure, ensuring long-term financial sustainability.

“The approval of the new aviation pricing framework reflects a milestone achievement, built upon extensive consultations initiated in 2021, and collaborative efforts among industry stakeholders, regulatory authorities and the government,” he said.

In their feedback early this year, stakeholders had urged CAAM to reconsider the increases which they said were too steep and would burden aerodrome and airline operators, especially as they are still in the process of recovering from the impact of Covid-19.

They also voiced fear that the increases would be passed on to air travellers who would be burdened by the higher costs as the operators of airlines and aerodromes would have no choice.


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On 5/21/2024 at 12:48 AM, Chris Tan said:

Like how the last hundred or so VM campaigns brought about significant and tangible improvements…? :D

The previous campaign in 2007 "Malaysia Truly Asia"  was hugely successful as it put Malaysia on the international tourism map for a long time. Malaysia tourism and trade reached its peak that year with 20.97 million in tourist arrivals and RM46.1 billion in tourist receipts, an increase of 3.42 million and RM9.8 billion from the previous year respectively, according to Tourism Malaysia data. 

The 2014 edition "Celebrating 1Malaysia Truly Asia" was equally as good.

The 2020 edition “Visit Truly Asia Malaysia” did not take off due to the pandemic.

https://www.tourism.gov.my/campaigns/view/visit-malaysia-year#:~:text=All in all%2C VMY 2007,from the previous year respectively.

Edited by JuliusWong

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KUALA LUMPUR: The recent debates and opinions surrounding the privatisation of Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) have captured significant public and industry attention.

At the forefront of this initiative is the Gateway Development Alliance (GDA), a consortium which aims to leverage its collective expertise to enhance the nation’s airport infrastructure, ensuring long-term sustainable growth and improved services for passengers and airlines alike.

As a key player in Malaysia’s airport network, MAHB's potential improvements under the consortium’s guidance promise substantial benefits. By prioritising maintenance, infrastructure upgrades, and enhanced connectivity, the GDA envisions a future where passengers will enjoy a superior travel experience and a wider range of destinations.

Such enhancements are expected to boost passenger traffic and have a significant positive impact on Malaysia’s people and economy.

To shed more light on the deal, we spoke with Khazanah Nasional managing director Datuk Amirul Feisal Wan Zahir and Employees Provident Fund (EPF) chief executive officer Ahmad Zulqarnain Onn, as the two major Malaysian entities will own a 70% stake in GDA.

Through their perspectives, we aim to uncover how this venture is poised to benefit not just MAHB, but also the nation.

The Need for Change


1. Can you explain why the need to do this deal and why now?

Amirul Feisal: Malaysia has the potential to really boost its aviation connectivity, but currently, it’s not doing as well as it should. Before the pandemic hit, Malaysia’s inbound tourism growth in the past 10 years was only around 1.0% per annum, which was way behind our neighbours, who were growing at about 8.0% per year (this comparison excludes day-trippers).

While we are well-served for short-haul segments compared to our neighbours Singapore and Bangkok, our long-haul flights seem to be lagging. Last year, Kuala Lumpur only had 22 long-haul routes, whereas Singapore and Thailand had 40 and 55, respectively.

Our region is well positioned for long-term passenger growth; the International Air Transport Association (IATA) expects passenger growth of 4.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR) in the next 20 years.

However, we risk falling behind as other countries in the region have been investing aggressively to improve their airports. Regional peers have invested significantly larger amounts in the last five years (Thailand: RM6.6bil, Indonesia: RM12.0bil) than MAHB (RM1.4bil). There is an urgent need for MAHB to improve their services and invest to ensure that Malaysia too remains competitive as our regional peers are preparing for growth by investing in the gateways to their economic hubs. We have left it far way too long, and the country’s competitiveness is at stake.

We need to improve connectivity, one of the key focus areas for Khazanah’s Malaysia Strategy for 2024. There’s no doubt that airports are super important for our economy; their connectedness helps promote more business, tourism and cargo. We need our airports to be regionally competitive to support existing airlines' operations and attract more airlines. To do this, we need to invest.

Ahmad Zulqarnain: A consortium, backed by major investors and substantial funds, strengthened by the right skills and expertise, will help Malaysia compete in the region by supporting projects to improve our airports and improve the nation’s connectivity.

At the same time, this is an attractive long-term investment, given the stable nature of the infrastructure asset, which generates consistent cash flows and the expected continued growth in the number of the travelling public, which aligns with the objectives of financial investors such as EPF.

2. What is the rationale for taking MAHB private?

Amirul Feisal: By taking it private, we are streamlining the shareholding structure, which would make it easier for the four shareholders – Khazanah, EPF, Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) and Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) – to align our strategy and work closely with the government, which continues to hold the golden share. Strategic decisions can be made more efficiently and timely, even long-term investment decisions. This will assist the senior leadership in improving the business’s competitive position in the marketplace.

Finding the Right Fit and Collective Expertise

3. Why aren’t Malaysian companies considered for the task instead of foreign entities?

Amirul Feisal: The industry is such that nearly all the airports are already operated by MAHB. So, the Malaysian airport expertise is already within MAHB, which is doing a commendable job. However, an international technical partner who has the expertise and the drive to get things right can then work with management to implement international best practices. This would allow MAHB to further improve service levels.

4. Why are you allowing foreigners to own Malaysia’s strategic asset and how will national interest be protected?

Amirul Feisal: There’s been talk going around that we are selling MAHB, but that’s just not true. In fact, Khazanah isn’t selling MAHB at all. We are actually planning to increase our stake from about 33% to 40%.

Ahmad Zulqarnain: Together, Khazanah and EPF will boost our collective shares in MAHB from around 41% to 70% after this offer. International investors like ADIA and GIP are stepping in to replace short-term investors with long-term capital investors effectively, considering that foreign shareholding is already at 27%.

This deal, in a way, brings our airports back firmly under Malaysian control once it’s delisted. Foreign shareholding in MAHB has gone up as high as 45% in 2018. Furthermore, Malaysian interests are well protected. The government will keep its special share and board representation in MAHB, and both the chairman and CEO will remain Malaysians.

5. Why was Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP) chosen, and what is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) role?

Amirul Feisal: This is a question that many out there are asking. Before I answer, please allow me to provide some context. Our consortium partners are ADIA and GIP, both of which formed a co-owned entity to join the consortium. Together, they will hold a 30 per cent partnership with Khazanah and EPF, meaning the Malaysian parties will have a 70% stake. Specifically, ADIA will have a 5% effective interest while GIP will have 25%.

ADIA and GIP bring a lot of strengths to the table.

With GIP, we went through a thorough review of potential technical partners, including top global airport operators. It is crucial that our partner has a strong track record of value creation, which goes beyond what current airport managers can achieve.

While the MAHB team has indeed done a fantastic job bringing in new airlines and improving services, there is always room to do better.

To my understanding, Edinburgh, Gatwick, Sydney, and London City Airport were operating at respectable levels even before GIP got involved. However, bringing in best practice airport management techniques have elevated the performance of these airports further.

Another key point is that the choice of partners also needs to align with our objectives. We approached GIP and have been in talks for a while now because they have what we need, to be the most suitable choice. Importantly, GIP, just like most of private equity funds, will eventually exit after creating value.

ADIA is one of the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world, adding significant financial muscle to our group. They have extensive experience with investing in and supporting the growth of airports, as they did with GIP at Gatwick Airport in the UK. Their involvement also shows that international investors have confidence in our country.

ADIA is excited about the opportunity to invest in MAHB, which it sees as being supported by the economic growth in the region. They share a strategy with the other consortium members that focuses on long- term value creation.

Ahmad Zulqarnain: When it comes to choosing who EPF works with, we always work with parties that have proven track records. We believe that GIP could bring innovative ideas and strategies to elevate the passenger experience.

This would include improvement in passenger flows, enhanced food and beverage offerings, and more efficient security and immigration controls. And GIP has successfully delivered all these.

With GIP’s expertise, we anticipate creating an unparalleled travel experience that meets the highest international standards.

Edinburgh Airport is an illustrative example. Since GIP took over in 2012, passenger numbers have jumped from 9.2 million to 14.4 million in 2023, and more importantly, the number of destinations have increased by 141 to 225. Compare that to Glasgow Airport, which has seen passenger traffic increasing from 7.2 million to only 7.4 million during the same period.

Its Sydney Airport saw decreased security wait times by more than 60% to 11 minutes. At Gatwick, GIP completed their train replacement (same model and track length as KLIA’s Aerotrain) within 10 months and increased passenger throughput from 220 to 550 passengers per hour. This allowed Gatwick to grow its passenger traffic by nine million more passengers since GIP took over, despite land constraints. This is key for the consortium because such expertise can make a significant impact to MAHB, especially since we’re competing with airports in Singapore, Bangkok, and Indonesia, each with its own strengths.

The announced offer price is above MAHB’s all-time high.

Addressing the Relationship

6. Who is BlackRock and what is GIP’s relationship with BlackRock?

Amirul Feisal: BlackRock is currently the largest fund manager in the world, with a staggering US$10.5tri (US$1=RM4.71) assets under management. Their investments span across a wide array of assets. A significant portion of BlackRock’s portfolio is dedicated to passive, index-linked investments, which means they hold shares in nearly all publicly listed companies globally – this includes tech giants like Apple, Facebook, and Google. BlackRock funds have interest in Bursa Malaysia stocks that are worth around RM20.5 bil and about RM6.9 bil in both Malaysian government and corporate bonds.

GIP, on the other hand, is an infrastructure fund. Essentially, they manage funds from various investors worldwide, much like other big names in the industry such as TPG, KKR, and Macquarie, to give a few examples.

Recently, BlackRock expressed interest in boosting its own infrastructure fund capabilities by seeking to acquire GIP, acknowledging GIP’s expertise in the field. However, to the best of my knowledge, their deal has yet to be concluded. Regarding the Gateway Development Alliance, we would like to clarify that our direct consortium partners are ADIA and GIP, not BlackRock.

7. How will the rakyat and Malaysia benefit from this deal?

Amirul Feisal: The consortium has plans to set MAHB up for long-term, sustainable growth. We are looking to focus on maintaining and upgrading airport infrastructure, boosting passenger service levels, and improving airline connectivity. This is all aimed at supporting an increase in passenger traffic and raising tourist numbers to come to Malaysia, which will have lasting positive impacts on the rakyat.

Ahmad Zulqarnain: For customers, airlines, and passengers, this means a more enjoyable travel experience and seamless operations. Think about having more retail and dining options and more direct destinations to travel to or connect through. Moreover, the financial benefits could be significant with potential returns from this investment.

Improving Overall Airport Operations, Employee and Customer Satisfaction

8. Will MAHB be going through rationalisation, including cost-cutting initiatives? How will this affect its employees?

Amirul Feisal: This transaction is about preparing MAHB for the next level, rather than cutting costs. Hence, the priorities are centred on passenger-centric initiatives, such as enhancing air connectivity and the overall passenger experience.

9. Can you ensure there will be no layoffs at MAHB and will GIP have management control in MAHB?

Amirul Feisal: We are dedicated to protecting the rights of MAHB’s current employees, and there are no plans for layoffs. As for the second part of your question, GIP won’t be directly appointing staff or secondees to manage MAHB. Instead, management will be jointly appointed by the consortium as a whole, and we will tap into GIP’s technical expertise when needed. Rest assured, the employment rights of MAHB’s existing employees are fully safeguarded, with no plans for layoffs. Staff would benefit from knowledge sharing with global experts.

Amirul Feisal and Ahmad Zulqarnain acknowledge that as MAHB embarks on this journey under the backing of the GDA, the stakes are undeniably high, but so are the potential rewards.

The strategic focus on enhancing infrastructure, improving connectivity, and delivering superior passenger experiences aligns with a broader vision of national growth and prosperity. The proposed privatisation of MAHB represents more than just making a change; it symbolises a key step towards realising a modernised, efficient, and globally competitive airport network. The urgency to act now reflects the need not to fall behind the rest of the region.

As the nation watches closely, the collaborative efforts of the consortium and its stakeholders promise to pave the way for a brighter, more connected future for Malaysia’s aviation sector. With the groundwork laid and strategic plans in motion, the next chapter for MAHB and the entire Malaysian aviation industry holds great promise, fueled by a shared vision of excellence and innovation. – Bernama

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If that translates to even higher passenger service charges (and any other airport related charges) for the sake of higher quality services, then so be it. I've been hearing the calls from outside (i.e. IATA) for MAHB to increase landing fees too. KLIA has the lowest rate in the region, but still no reputable long-haul airlines going to come here. 

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1 hour ago, Alif A. F. said:

If that translates to even higher passenger service charges (and any other airport related charges) for the sake of higher quality services, then so be it. I've been hearing the calls from outside (i.e. IATA) for MAHB to increase landing fees too. KLIA has the lowest rate in the region, but still no reputable long-haul airlines going to come here. 

Unfortunately, landing fee plays only a small part of the overall operation. There are factors like attractiveness of the destinations, yield, sustainable number of pax (both leisure and business) throughout the year, airline alliance, overall growth opportunity etc. Sadly Malaysia is catch in between the leisure-heavy Thailand (with substantial business crowd too) and heavy premium Singapore. Most major airlines can feed their pax via BKK, HND/ NRT, HKG and SIA hubs via MH, TG, CX, JL, NH and SQ. Therefore, there is no need to fly a widebody half way across the world incurring operation expenses and yield is poor or not sustainable, much so in the next five years when airlines are focusing on destinations that can reap most profit; when  both Airbus and Boeing are not churning out enough aircraft on-time. And triangular flight is less popular nowadays, KUL used to have a lot of this.

The crown jewels: AF, BA, KL, LH and QF. We have BA (soon) and KL. MAHB, Malaysia Airlines and MH needs to work double hard to get AF, LH and QF back in KUL. LH perhaps via Eurowings/ Discover Airlines.

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1 hour ago, JuliusWong said:

Unfortunately, landing fee plays only a small part of the overall operation. There are factors like attractiveness of the destinations, yield, sustainable number of pax (both leisure and business) throughout the year, airline alliance, overall growth opportunity etc. Sadly Malaysia is catch in between the leisure-heavy Thailand (with substantial business crowd too) and heavy premium Singapore. Most major airlines can feed their pax via BKK, HND/ NRT, HKG and SIA hubs via MH, TG, CX, JL, NH and SQ. Therefore, there is no need to fly a widebody half way across the world incurring operation expenses and yield is poor or not sustainable, much so in the next five years when airlines are focusing on destinations that can reap most profit; when  both Airbus and Boeing are not churning out enough aircraft on-time. And triangular flight is less popular nowadays, KUL used to have a lot of this.

The crown jewels: AF, BA, KL, LH and QF. We have BA (soon) and KL. MAHB, Malaysia Airlines and MH needs to work double hard to get AF, LH and QF back in KUL. LH perhaps via Eurowings/ Discover Airlines.

Lets face it, geopolitical reasons ensure that Malaysia is only visited by people from APAC and the Middle East. Europeans and Americans do not find our country as one of their destinations for business or leisure. We have some medical tourism traffic but this is mainly from Asia and the Middle East. The adversarial goings on with the EU regarding our deforestation is not doing tourism any good. So we can forget about attracting new European airlines to KUL. With Shell pulling out of Malaysia, even KL flights may be affected. The government should take note that their engagement with foreign countries will affect air services into Malaysia too. It is not just up to MAHB or the airlines.

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I guess sums up about Malaysia - under-radar, under-rated, always in the middle-of...something and something...

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8 hours ago, flee said:

Lets face it, geopolitical reasons ensure that Malaysia is only visited by people from APAC and the Middle East. Europeans and Americans do not find our country as one of their destinations for business or leisure. We have some medical tourism traffic but this is mainly from Asia and the Middle East. The adversarial goings on with the EU regarding our deforestation is not doing tourism any good. So we can forget about attracting new European airlines to KUL. With Shell pulling out of Malaysia, even KL flights may be affected. The government should take note that their engagement with foreign countries will affect air services into Malaysia too. It is not just up to MAHB or the airlines.

Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong had the first mover advantage back in 1990s as the omputeh (the whites) preferred destinations mainly because we were ex-British colony and English was widely spoken and understood by almost everyone in these countries/ territories. Back then Malaysia and Singapore were leading the tourism in South East Asia. Travel agents preferred to bring big tour groups to country they were familiar with, at least language wasn't an issue. However geopolitics changes over the decades, improvement in technology over the late 1990s to 2000s and the invention of smartphones have slowly ate away the first move advantage, other countries' have also improved their education, basic English is widely learnt by almost all countries. Malaysia has failed to re-invent itself since the early 2000s. VMY 2007 was a huge success, thereafter we have fallen off the cliff.

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8 hours ago, Alif A. F. said:

I guess sums up about Malaysia - under-radar, under-rated, always in the middle-of...something and something...

What about under performing ministers / Tourism Malaysia staff? 

12 hours ago, flee said:

With Shell pulling out of Malaysia, even KL flights may be affected. The government should take note that their engagement with foreign countries will affect air services into Malaysia too. It is not just up to MAHB or the airlines.

I wasn't aware that Shell was flying people who work at petrol stations between Amsterdam and KL. AFAIK, Shell only wants to sell their retail business. You may not see ExxonMobil on the roads anymore but they are still actively hiring in Malaysia. 

Edited by Craig

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4 minutes ago, Craig said:

What about under performing ministers / Tourism Malaysia staff? 

I wasn't aware that Shell was flying people who work at petrol stations between Amsterdam and KL. AFAIK, Shell only wants to sell their retail business. You may not see ExxonMobil on the roads anymore but they are still actively hiring in Malaysia. 

Snap. I was about to say.

they are selling the downstream part of the business (retail) but they are very much active in the upstream part (exploration etc etc). 

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5 hours ago, Izanee said:

Snap. I was about to say.

they are selling the downstream part of the business (retail) but they are very much active in the upstream part (exploration etc etc). 


5 hours ago, Craig said:

What about under performing ministers / Tourism Malaysia staff? 

I wasn't aware that Shell was flying people who work at petrol stations between Amsterdam and KL. AFAIK, Shell only wants to sell their retail business. You may not see ExxonMobil on the roads anymore but they are still actively hiring in Malaysia. 

It is fascinating to find ExxonMobil and Shell are retailing in the little red dot.

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21 hours ago, Alif A. F. said:

I guess sums up about Malaysia - under-radar, under-rated, always in the middle-of...something and something...

In 1990's mas had the supremacy mentality, refused to join airlines alliance. Airlines operation cost at KUL was cheaper than SIN and kangaroo routes was one of busiest in the world.

If the gomen didn't restrict foreign airlines to KUL to protect mas and mas didn't have supremacy mentality, it would be a different story for kul. basically, it is a failure of gomen policy.

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55 minutes ago, KK Lee said:

In 1990's mas had the supremacy mentality, refused to join airlines alliance. Airlines operation cost at KUL was cheaper than SIN and kangaroo routes was one of busiest in the world.

If the gomen didn't restrict foreign airlines to KUL to protect mas and mas didn't have supremacy mentality, it would be a different story for kul. basically, it is a failure of gomen policy.

To be fair, you can't blame MH entirely for "supremacy" mentality, because back in the 80s/90s, there was no such thing as open skies agreement. Each country was protecting their own national airlines, be it done in the open or discretely. Open skies came into prominence only at the turn of the millennium when the EU, ASEAN and other grouping started negotiating en bloc for open skies rather than one country to another. Member countries also took some time to implement it. The only blame you may possibly assigned could be that the MH management was not diligent enough to see the potential rise of LCCs which was unheard of before 2001 and the changing aviation climate. Also the political interference, which the MH management couldn't do anything. It was either you do it, or you lose your job. If you have a family to feed, what would you do? You could have resigned, the other person who took over would most probably do it. 

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7148833/#:~:text=Open Skies in ASEAN consists,and freeing up ownership arrangements.

Edited by JuliusWong

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11 hours ago, JuliusWong said:

To be fair, you can't blame MH entirely for "supremacy" mentality, because back in the 80s/90s, there was no such thing as open skies agreement. Each country was protecting their own national airlines, be it done in the open or discretely. Open skies came into prominence only at the turn of the millennium when the EU, ASEAN and other grouping started negotiating en bloc for open skies rather than one country to another. Member countries also took some time to implement it. The only blame you may possibly assigned could be that the MH management was not diligent enough to see the potential rise of LCCs which was unheard of before 2001 and the changing aviation climate. Also the political interference, which the MH management couldn't do anything. It was either you do it, or you lose your job. If you have a family to feed, what would you do? You could have resigned, the other person who took over would most probably do it. 

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7148833/#:~:text=Open Skies in ASEAN consists,and freeing up ownership arrangements.

In the contrary; when Asian tigers were prospering in the 1990's, a number of foreign airlines wanted to serve or increase frequency to KUL but was denied to protect mas or mas wasn't interested to reciprocate. When mas was under mr 019 control, besides a few 'south south cooperation' routes instructed by then pm, mas management had literally freehand.


Edited by KK Lee

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I guess the consequences has prevailed now that SIN has stepped in to provide that extra slots and what not. This was the motto of their leader then, SIN should be priority, even if it was at the expense of protecting SQ (or not) 

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8 hours ago, KK Lee said:

In the contrary; when Asian tigers were prospering in the 1990's, a number of foreign airlines wanted to serve or increase frequency to KUL but was denied to protect mas or mas wasn't interested to reciprocate. When mas was under mr 019 control, besides a few 'south south cooperation' routes instructed by then pm, mas management had literally freehand.

Therefore in conclusion, would you blame the responsibility squarely only on the MH management? They were just following the tune of the country leadership, good or bad. The rot started with Dr. M, like him or loathe him, one cannot deny he effing screwed up many things, especially when it comes to aviation.

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