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Mohd Azizul Ramli

When Airlines' CEOs Tweet on the Facebook Wall

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Whenever there is a change of CEO at GLC, clean up is almost always the first task follow by restructuring, re-designation of job titles and bring in new team. Current trend in designation is Chief X Officer and expect current EVP, SGM to report to new CFO, COO, CIO, CMO, CBO, etc.

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..... Really, they should have just let it fail when they had the chance a couple of years ago, and started again.


..... My god, when is this charade going to end?

Whoever it was, question at the end had already been answered way earlier :p

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From the MH Rumour Department:


Spy A - Orang MOT (Ministry of Transport) tak mahu bagitau sapa yang nak ganti Tengku Azmil but they are not surprised if Tengku Azmil kena buang.


Spy B - Sounds very credible. Actually we heard about Rashdan aka Danny likely taking over the reins at MH but it was quite p&c at the time. But it looks like the cat's out of the bag.




Tengku Azmil's tweets lately have been revolving around nothing but briyani. Kesian.

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TF Tweets:

On my way to london today. Closing off a new potential jv to submit to the board for airasia. Sales are kick ass. Great performance for all stars. Results next out.

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While Tengku Azmil tweets:


@tengkuazmil: Been watching too many episodes of NCIS lately. Time to do something more productive.

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Finally TF flew on MH back after share swap?


Tony Fernandes

AirAsia full today so flew on Malaysian Airlines . Crew were great. Got great feedback. The crew coming to watch QPR today.

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TF tweet today..


Tony Fernandes

Airasia will soon announce route to Manila and 2 new chinese routes. More destinations more low fares. Results out next week. 3rd quarter looking great.

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Tony Fernandes FB Status...


With the planning team. We need more planes per year and so will meet airbus tomorrow. Will need to lease planes or buy more classic 320.

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Tony Fernandes FB Status...


With the planning team. We need more planes per year and so will meet airbus tomorrow. Will need to lease planes or buy more classic 320.


I thought he wanted to halt it simply because the current airport capacity can no longer sustain any more. Perhaps after the business turn around plan with MAS and the joint venture, he has changed his mind then.

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I thought he wanted to halt it simply because the current airport capacity can no longer sustain any more. Perhaps after the business turn around plan with MAS and the joint venture, he has changed his mind then.


Perhaps because of a certain benefactor is now in the picture?

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1 Could be that the Philippines, Vietnam and Japan JVs need aircraft fast.

2 Could be that due to the MH deal, new routes/frequencies are no longer blocked.

3 Could be that as a GLC now, it can now get more remote, off LCCT parking spaces for next to no cost.

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AK's CEO rant on Twitter:

Press havnt looked at numbers properly. Airasia results excellent. Purely accounting reversal. Deffered tax was reversed. Pre tax profits up. One of the few airlines that grew. 3rd and 4th qtrs looking strong.


Nothing new - our reporters are just mass comm graduates. They know nuts about accounting and taxation numbers.

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Tony Fernandes

Good financial review on AirAsia. Looking good. Thailand will soon be contributing to our bottom line . Profits already half of Malaysia. Indonesia will be all airbus next year and turn around.

780 · Like · · Share · 4 hours ago via mobile

I think he should add "MH? LOL!" LOL.

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First 7 malaysians to send me an tweet after the final and 8 either french or kiwis living in malaysia after the final with their email will get a free return flight. Azran will do special world cup promotion for other 85 seats.

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TF's tweet:

Airasia japan is going to very very profitable. With the growth of this and airasia malaysia thailand it looks like we can increase our yearly planes. No extra gearing as all this extra growth is very cash positive.

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TF has been busy this morning attacking MAB in 3 posts he wrote:


Why is klia building a 3rd runway when they don't use dual mode on 2 runways. Heathrow has 60 million passengers with 2 runways. Fix the air traffic system MAB. Would have been cheaper than building another runway.



To many empty promises from malaysian airports. We as airlines get blamed for their poor performance.


With economic conditions as they are, MAS and AirAsia have given Malaysian airports great ideas to increase their income by working with us and attract more airlines. Then reduce charges to the people of Malaysia. Its the passengers who pays airport tax. We are fighting for the people of Malaysia!

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Looks like TF has gone cuckoo lah - he got too many businesses! And when he took on MAS, he also took on all the political baggage. ;)


Wasn't it AK that needed the third runway from KLIA2 so that it does not have to taxi so far to the existing runways?

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Actually I have a theory that its not actually him posting.




If you use Uber Social it can show you where the post was made from and even when he claims to be elsewhere it shows a location at KL Sentral. Maybe Ive just misunderstood the app?


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More TF tweets:

Off to indonesia today. Big day. Terminal 3 in jakarta now used for all airasia flights. Thank you indonesian airport authortites. Big news.


We want Malaysian airports to be honest and come clean. When is the new terminal ready. And how much is it going to cost. When are they going to make the runway dual mode.


Off to airasia x board meeting. Some great new routes coming.

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Tony Fernandes

Painting a plane as promised and will be bringing the boys back on airasia well done malaysia!


Another special livery will be paint? Hats off to Malaysian Tigers livery or QPR :D

Edited by Ikman Ikreza

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