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Everything posted by LeeCH

  1. Emperor, why u so sweaty?! Steady lah.....my office full of automation u know. Nice shots guys......keep em rolling. Saw my dad in Hangar 4?
  2. WiseOne, Now that you have been contaminated, you will soon be part of the Darkside......exactly just what has happen to myself. Wuick quick, go, go grab one....
  3. Looks like a lot of spare parts are available to home simulator builders. WiseOne, want to make a trip to the States and expand your house? Or have you already owned the chopped up F50 in Subang?
  4. When I was young and travelling ocassionaly on MH, I always remember this song till now. 'To Know Malaysia, Is to love Malaysia' People Smiling everywhere, showing just how much they care.......' I think that was a period when they have the tourism promotion like PATA 86 (with the penyu logo on Fuselage) and also Visit Malaysia Year 1990. Correct me if I am wrong.....
  5. WiseOne, That looks like one extremely risky manuever to me. I had the same initial opinion as yours....
  6. Flower Horn? Hmm.....that's new to me too.
  7. Joon Jet, Nice shots. Looks like the MASKargo landed really really heavy. Not by looking at the smoke though.....the nose is so high up in the flare it looks like rotation.....must be a very very late and excessive flare to reduce the excessive sink rate......its OK. There are no pax to complain and no cabin crew to face embarassment with. The perks of flying Cargo. Anyway did your car registration number came up in any 4D? Hehehe.....Nobody buy ah?
  8. Azman, Great lovely shots there. Love the last MRD shot under panning mode. In case no one notice, just look at the way the left main gear is illuminated by the underbelly beacon light. That was really wonderful. Cheers.....more please.
  9. Think most of the drivers will leave right after the race on that evening. And most equipment will depart on Mon evening or Tuesday morning. Destination? Not Europe......Melbourne.
  10. Liam, Thanks for SRI. Poor thing got flocked so hard to make a 2nd appearance in Perth on same day. See you in Perth real soon if my roster is not distrupted from standby call ups.....
  11. Pieter, I was in PEK on Sunday and back in SIN on Tues morning. Alternate for PEK was ICN though. Didn't divert, so no chance to catch it there.... VFR via Russia? Serious?
  12. I wonder where did the MegaArk came from. If it is from Singapore, I bet the 744 guys are sweating all over the place. They never do such a short sector....nice catch of the MegaArk chaity....
  13. Another case of Everything Increase, Salary No Increase..... My trip back to KL will be more expensive.....already as of now S$149 for a return trip. AK here I come.....can anyone find out when is Azahan and Jon Kong gf flying JB-KL sector?
  14. Ah Kong, Thank you, Sieh Sieh, Arigarto and Terima Kasih. Very wonderful pics of SRE. Looks like my fellow colleague did a pretty shallow rotation. Hehe....Love the wind flex on 777's. Just have to love it..... Lumpur Delivery 121.60 MHz Approach South 119.45 MHz Departing 32R to the north? ....... if my local Kayel knowledge never fail me.....Singapore 11X, Climb 6,000 feet, contact North Approach 124.2, clear for takeoff 32 right. Delta 70 = B777-200 Non ER? Hmmm.....Mine also B777-200 Non ER but not Delta 70 worh...
  15. Emperor, Terima Kasih for SRE shot. I have not seen this a/c for quite a while in Singapore myself. SQ must be flogging her real hard to make a good profit before 31st March. Let them flog her so I can buy......errmm.....lenses? By the way, the red AFC was excellent. Best of the lot I have to say. Ah Lee
  16. When you have two engine failure on a 777, hold whatever pitch attitude u can do maintain 260kts and you will get about 2000 feet per minute. Not very glidable in fact. Not a very desirable thing on a 777 at least because we run a lot on ETOPS rule. Engines Turning Or Passengers Swimming = Extended Twin OPerationS. Talk about this some other time. Its a long long story.
  17. Denny, Looks like I can come here for revision already. Just to share another mystery here. Seven spoilers on each side. Seven wheels on each side if u divide the plane into half. Theres also another thing about 7 on each side. Not cabin crew, not the amount of toilets lah. This I will find out about. That is why this plane is called 7 7 7. Understand guys?
  18. Emperor tapao the 50mm after he took the ride on AFC to Kuching. To take potrait shots of you know who lah......hehe
  19. LeeCH

    Airline foods

    I believe iceman's opinion is just an individual and harmless statement to make. Anyway, for your info SQ also serve the same kind of Orange Juice. (OJ) And I believe a lot more other airline does the same. Then a lot of people in supermarket also got bad tastes. Or could it be just one person's bad taste? Remember one man's food is another man's poison. Best cabin services is not won on giving 'sweetened OJ' my dear friend. Last but not least, sometimes I think we should think and process before we say something. Iceman, you get it?
  20. The developing CB's are quite huge in size. Look at those mountain in front and at the side on the takeoff path. Scary stuff huh.....
  21. From a crew point of view, No matter how well trained or how hot you are during your simulator and ground training, when it comes to the real thing, it will shock you a while. I kid you not. Which is why the best that we can do is to be prepared always. And always expect the worst. When I fly, I make it a personal thing that 'Every takeoff roll is a reject takeoff or an engine failure after V1". And every landing and approach is a go-around. We play all this in our mind mentally all the time because when it hits us, like I always said... "You have only one chance, and you better do it right" And we have to apply all the correct procedure correctly. Of course in training we already expect instructors will put on something for us. In line operation, you have not a single clue what will happen. ATC and weather are a few more variables although when we declare emergency, we pretty much get to do what we want to, except fly into a terrain.~~ All said, humans are still humans yah. Even the most prepared will be caught off guard like some sportsmen do. And worst more this is a life threatening emergency. When panic sets in, all hell breaks lose. Maybe the best of pilots or cabin crew will need about 10-15 seconds to get over it and realise what has happen and what is needed to be done. My 0.02 cents opinion.
  22. LeeCH

    Airline foods

    Too much Nasi Lemak will be High Cholestrol yah...... As a pilot, cannot help but to advice that food intake is important for your annual medical check. High cholestrol can lead to stroke and other heart diesease like attack and high blood pressure. But, I still eat lah...in moderation. Eat, sleep, smoke.....be whatever it is......do in moderation and reasonable quantity.
  23. From a 777 driver point of view, When flying using a GE engine on the 777, we will use N1 gauge to set power. When flying a RR, we use EPR to set power. Right now all of us in SQ uses only RR. Wait till the B773ER comes along and we will have to use N1....sometimes..... Oh, forget to mention, the shape of the blades and the diameter of both engine makes are different too. If you go to my Story of a Pilot thread under the Asian Aerospace postings and look carefully, the internal gear box and pipings for fuel and hydraulic lines are all different as well. which one is better? You cannot compare an apple and an orange my dear friends.....
  24. I get you some ear plugs next time round in end of April.
  25. Gavin, You should never fly below Vref at your landing flap. In practise we add five knots to Vref. Vref = Stalling speed X 1.13 at whatever landing weight that you have obtained for landing. Now you passengers will be safe.
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