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Benjamin Ho

Anyone going KLIA on 11th Apr?

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Bro Norman,


Really like your PK- and IR shots: a job well done !!! ;)

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Thank you for all the kind words, guys... :D


We had a lot of sifus that day...

so many things you can learn from them... :D


Here's one of them showing how to become a good spotter

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:lol: :lol:


And this one for LeeCH.. the new Darksider..

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kah kah kah he he ha ha ha :D

yeah...most from D200 blur!!!!


Photos a bit blur is OK as long as not your mind-lah. :lol:

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kah kah kah he he ha ha ha :D

yeah...most from D200 blur!!!!


I think you need to fly manually more the tripple laa :lol:

Exercise your arms to be more firm... :lol: :lol:


or are you too complacent with the VeeArr already.. :blink: :lol:


80% of the images from my CF card are blur also...

but can use PS, geng... ;)

share here laa.. :D


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Like father like son :)


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Smile! You are on the D70 and D70ER frames :)


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Tee Kay: You two naughty Nikonians :)


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Let me frame the precious moment as well :)

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am i the Nikon Model of April??? :)


Rest of the guys...Busy for the Jumbo arrival. :D

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its either GOLF or SPOTTING.... :)

Both of them discussing about their share in Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia.....he he he he

The Junior Syakir.....learning from the Old Timer... :p

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Kudos Sifus... 1st May anyone spotting? I will be around hehe :lol:

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My turn to post what I have taken early this week with this bunch of 'FUNKY' folks in KLIA. Definitely a great learning experience as far as I am concerned with regards to spotting planes with a DSLR. I hope I did not embarass myself with this kind of shot quality. I could have done better with my settings. I try better next time. And TK, that VR 80-400 is really something lar.....


First it was AFB.....this guy got one extra huge antannae on top of the fuselage......scared of lost comms?? :huh:

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Then came AFE....Kecil Kecil Cili Padi....this one is real red hot!!

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Jonathan having a bad hair day. So I crop his hair out to save him some embarassment. Cilaka Azahan having a laugh at Jonathan's hair.....

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Someway along the session, it threatened to rain with these huge CB cloud developing.....Rain Rain Go Away, come back on another NON-SPOTTING DAY!!

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After that it was a matter of all the 'BIG ONES'. MPC was first. Must be F/O sector as the plane over-flared on touching down making it a spectacular sight for all of us there.

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Neat detail of the slats from a rearwards view....it was a very hot day too....just look at the heat haze around the airport......phew.....sweating sweating.

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AH....open your mouth......AH touch down. A flying trojan horse from the Middle East. Uncle Bush not too happy with this country lately.

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Love the view of JTD9 engines from rear view. WiseOne, we got the same shot eh....

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Last but not least, a big THANK YOU to JK and WiseOne for the transportation to and from KLIA. Real door to door service. Thanks a lot guys. Jumpa lagi in KL.

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thats a very good one leech. dont stop to fiddle fiddle and 'raba raba' (pieter: means rubbing in gentle manner :D ) your LR, and i am sure the shots would be better day by day.



Jonathan having a bad hair day. So I crop his hair out to save him some embarassment. Cilaka Azahan having a laugh at Jonathan's hair.....

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yup i agree with you Leech. he had to borrow my safety helmet yesterday to cover the flaw. hahah :lol: :lol:


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