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Alif A. F.

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Everything posted by Alif A. F.

  1. Those in Rayani Air should improvise the airline's website. Photos or whatever images pasted in the website must be relevant to the company's current/confirmed destinations (referring to Trafalgar Sq. in London) and current product offerings. The choice of airline official colour reminds me of pre-2001 AK.
  2. Thanks for prompt reply. Will consider Y+ in the future (if budget permits). What about the meal?
  3. I always thought airport authorities know every single flying machines (with current owner always positively identified) parked within the facility.
  4. MH/EK agreement is something that was unforeseeable/unthinkable just months ago, yet now it happens. What next?
  5. Done with the Red (or rather white) Kangaroo, now with the Blue Kite...
  6. Thought EK can exploit this partnership later by coaxing MH to serve additional frequencies to Canada (with EK codes in every flight). Perhaps, MH's A380s can be ustilised to good use...huhu...
  7. Will there be any formal event with press conference marking this partnership? Or just media statements in the respective airlines' website?
  8. Probably too far fetch, but what if EK can persuade MH to mount direct flights to YYZ via Dubai. Right now EK flies there for meagre 3x weekly, the only Canadian dest. for EK.
  9. Will there be increased possibility of other airports in Malaysia being served directly by EK? MH is living in Two Worlds...
  10. Me think TF eventually right, the impact to T1 is increasingly obvious: ...In five years' time, the airport will not be able to cater to the increasing number of passengers. Unless they further expand this airport to increase its capacity, it will not be able to take more passengers. We need another airport."... ...The parking lot at Kota Kinabalu International Airport Terminal 1 was more than 80 per cent full for the first time following AirAsia's move to the terminal effective Tuesday.... ..."I expect to issue 100 summonses in the next 24 hours," (the police) said, pointing to a stubborn driver who left his car unattended for more than five minutes.... Source: Daily Express Sabah No more free side parking for one hour to go for KFC, McDonald's or Old Town White Coffee.
  11. Today's OD1001 flight turned left too quickly. It passed right over SK Tanjung Aru 1 & 2 airspace.
  12. MAHB promises RM10million to Sabah Tourism Board for more tourism marketing when all airlines move to Terminal 1.
  13. Can expect McD's and KFC will be filled to the brim... I sometimes go there for lunch because the atmosphere and ambience is relaxing. Probably after this no more...
  14. Taken today: EVA Air Flight 237 (reg: B-16725) at 32,000 feet - turns out this is EVA's newest B77W. It sports black colour on bottom half of fuselage.
  15. Today's special catch: M54-01 on approach... CX780 at 35,000 feet... KE626 at 39,000 feet...
  16. IST to MGQ (Mogadishu) via JIB (Djibouti) anyone? Wherever there is Turkish government presence/interest in that particular country, TK will put efforts to realizing flights there.
  17. Quite a number of them settle here in Sabah. I know that some of the people I personally met have family links to Pakistan, though 2nd to 3rd generation are now fully assimilated into the local society.
  18. Thanks for the photos jahur! It wasn't an exercise, but a visit by the defence sec. along with Hishamuddin to a US aircraft carrier which anchored offshore Sabah. The Ospreys are a noisy piece of flying machines, saw and heard these around 6pm yesterday.
  19. Was onboard PK-AZA once. Realised later it was assembled in Tianjin.
  20. So, anyone got time to see which aircraft US defense sec. was in to get here (to BKI)?
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