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BC Tam

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Everything posted by BC Tam

  1. And while the're at it, get them to fly in with retro liveries as well 😆
  2. Says 5x narrowbodies plus 6x turboprops here 👇 https://www.nst.com.my/business/corporate/2024/07/1074960/subang-airport-jet-operations-start-august-five-airlines-bttv#google_vignette
  3. Instantly obvious without any bit of uncertainty - it's the "-neo" version 😁
  4. Maybe they thought painting on the 'Negaraku' livery can be passed off as some artistic interpretation of CAAM's requirement ?! 😄
  5. Anyone else get the feeling that Capital A is starting to embark on similar 'get it done regardless' projectory that Mr 019/MH were floating upon before it all went down south ?!
  6. Safe to assume the FY BKI hub project is now more or less over ?! 🙄
  7. Any reason why the 8 neos are still 'parked at KUL' ? Would have thought they would have prioritize returning those more efficient machines back to duty over the ceos ? Certainly the sardines can be packed in more tightly 😁 Just thoughts 😀
  8. Wonder if anyone bothered enough to initiate shadow play - that is, make big fuss of initiating negotiations with manufacturer A for urgent narrowbody deliveries and with manufacturer B for expedited widebody frames 😁
  9. With all the hiccups already so far this year on their flagship LHR route alone, I guess it's reasonable to imagine the bean counters be stocking up on red ink again 😉
  10. Wow, that would be like a quarter circle round the M25 - each way 😁
  11. That reasonable no ? Since we're still getting through 2024 after all ..... 😁
  12. Been a while, but has any reasoning ever been offered for the yellow 'widgets' on the 'malaysia' logo ? 🙂
  13. The 'recalcitrant pm' saga ..... 😁
  14. This evening's MH2 (23:30) to LHR is now tomorrow morning's 07:00 departure - BKI transit pax still do not know their fate 😁
  15. It begs the question whether their plan to have FY do all domestic routes (excepting a few 'essential' ones that apparently only MH can fully fulfil) is still intact - for sure what that is scheduled now cannot be what was envisioned 🙂 Then there is the proposed BKI hub ..... haiyah 😁 Dunno lah, is FY jet operations meant to be at all ? Remember, this is their second go at it. The first attempt was swept aside upon the MH/AK 'merger' - leading to the couple of insects being abandoned at KUL for years thereafter I recall 🙄
  16. Those sort of reduced FY frequencies are bad by their own right, but do look decidedly clownish when you see what AK has on offer as an alternative 🙄
  17. Looks like the charter to/fro Guangzhou (Batik, 9M-LRL) did not happen, equipment diverted to BKI enroute from KUL and returned thereafter Must be some frustrated holiday makers at CAN now But I see flights resuming at both TWU and SDK already
  18. Oh my gosh, and we're anticipating the Chinese labour day holiday rush over next few days/weeks 🤦‍♂️ Understand they are also doing direct charters into TWU as well 😑
  19. I am getting impression FR24 has gone bonkers - unless there is nefarious reason for the weird diversion 😀
  20. There are Firefly flights with FY flight numbers and some with FM prefix Any idea ?
  21. I see MH2668 KUL-SDK being operated by an A330 later today OD1002 KUL-BKI is on its way now with an A330, as will MH2614, 2616, 2638 and 2640 later in the day
  22. Malaysian version of forward planning ... 😁
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