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Khalil Abd Halim

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Everything posted by Khalil Abd Halim

  1. i wonder what does it means by "underemployment due to subsidies"? underemployment is merely because companies want to fully utilize the available headcounts
  2. nice, an equipment upgrade reflects good business for ET on this route.
  3. both of you surely didnt read the topic title and my reply clearly, where did it state that the cabin crew have to "carry" the luggage, the word used is "helping with the luggage". if you see passengers struggling to store their luggage will you just stand there and do nothing, even in our daily life isnt it common courtesy to help others who are having difficulties. why suddenly the rule changed in airplane? some people just quick to jump the gun and yes, not only you have to use your brain but please use your eyes to read
  4. one of my memorable flight was on SQ when a steward quickly offered to carry my luggage, lead me to my seat and stored my luggage in the bin..and this was in economy class. simple kind gesture means alot in service industry and those cabin crew who stood while looking aimlessly at passengers struggling to store their luggage are purely lazy
  5. it's getting uglier by the day...being a charter airline they should just keep it bare and simple and it will save them cost for long term charter by their client who wants to personalize the plane if any...
  6. im just curious why havent they fly to Phuket as well-both AK and MH always have good loads on this route and Phuket is the second busiest airport in thailand after bangkok
  7. nice that they can break AK domination on flight to CNX as AK is currently leveraging on that to impose high fee.
  8. that is one ugly livery better suited on express bus.....
  9. Thai sent in 777..must be upgrade
  10. at 42 seconds in the video there's a scene which showed the tail had been painted with 2 colourful wau bulan motifs, maybe they are going in the direction of Etihad adopting abstract motifs instead of linear design, good move in the sense of giving the airline fresh image but they should also change the current logo to wau bulan to be consistent
  11. doing something for nothing, without clear purpose nor reason
  12. cost saving a la MAB: bad catering, sour-faced crew, old dingy planes at premium price
  13. the furthest ive flown with them was to Perth and the tight legroom, skimpy seat made it felt very claustrophobic i was literally counting minutes for the flight to end
  14. unless they are offering extra legroom than the current one and ptv, there's no way im flying 12 hours with them
  15. they should have taken a single batik motif as their logo so as not to make it look tacky, similar to Fiji Airways logo and Vistara
  16. one point to note is that they will be hiring male FA soon as well as the competition to design the new uniform also specified uniform for steward
  17. AK is full of rhetoric and just doing this for their business sake, if they truly are championing the idea of low cost why cant they offer lowest fares all the time? some even priced higher than full service carrier-what's the logic in that since they offer no complimentary frills
  18. wow, i saw this coming when i flew with them as the flights were full to the brim and many connecting passengers from the US, and with that impeccable service they can easily take down other competitors and truly deserved the 5 stars rating
  19. Haha, just like what i suggested could have been done by cash-strapped MAB, see who's using this idea as well as cost effective measure getting a new uniform...people just need to think outside the box
  20. this is nothing new with MAS by now, while passengers are being fed lousy food they are spending money on new uniforms
  21. this man will never think of anything else except profitting his company, he couldnt care less about passengers comfort or convenience and his ideal view of low cost concept is where pax still have to climb the stairs to board the plane. Notwitstanding the aforesaid, MAHB really needs to install those travelators in KLIA 2 soonest.
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