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About DaTan

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  1. Fly Air Asia from Malaysia to USA via Japan?
  2. Spotted a large convoy of vehicles and police at Gurney Plaza 2 days ago so must be Brunei Royalty having a shopping trip? Brahims has a small branch at PEN
  3. Why is it after Muller's resignation announcement, news starts pouring about changes to Meals, uniform Maybe Muller was blocking all of this?
  4. Rakyat Post accompanied this photo together with the report of MAB's food revamp Is this direct from MAB's marketing team? have not seen it before http://www.therakyatpost.com/business/2016/05/09/more-meals-on-malaysia-airlines/
  5. The european style LCCT seems to be a good model to follow examples such as charles de gaulle terminal 2g while it has no aerobridges, it's large waiting hall is big and comfortable with enough stores and food outlets. My only complaint with 2G is it's poor connection with other terminals, but its still much better than KLIA's former LCCT
  6. Good maybe soon we will get to see more A380s added in our fleet
  7. Vantage XL for A350 should be good enough. It will be on par with the CX long haul seats
  8. What I mean is that it better be an improvement from the current A330 seats. Something such as cup holders and compartment for smartphone as seen in CX. These are lacking in MH's fleet
  9. MAS has a chance to come out on top with better products when THE A350 arrives. Look at Ethiad and SIA's new A350 for examples
  10. you should see the amount of complaints being posted on their Facebook page
  11. High demand for domestic flights? Would be seen as money burner if it cant be filled up
  12. Today I was reading through the fleet list of Malaysia Airlines on Wikipedia and I have noticed that it has been changed and the following added That is some nice donations Somebody's idea of April 1st joke
  13. not sure if passengers would be pleased with the retro interior
  14. they better repair any damages and do extreme cleaning during the business class refit no excuse not to!
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