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Everything posted by Pall

  1. This goalpost keeps moving further and further each quarterly earnings brief.
  2. MASwings is also at the end of its exit process from MAG. Apparently sold to Sarawak state govt at an undisclosed amount. Sources say cutover to their new owner is due by end of this year. Hence not much focus on that entity for now.
  3. MH head of engineering should be sacked.
  4. Top management still delusional about whats happening at the bottom line. This is what happen when they are overworked and underpaid with low morale.
  5. Been hearing about new a/c RFP for a while. Each media release they will mention postponed till forever. While every other airlines are jumping straight to order announcement.
  6. 100 marks for this. Exactly the story at the top end of MH.
  7. Contrary to beliefs, Regional jets are costlier to operate without the economies of scale. Its only possible if ticket prices are high enough. This model don't work in Malaysia/SEA as a whole as its a price sensitive market. Hence ATR72 is the best type of aircraft to serve markets that are not viable for jets. How the E190 fits Scoot model is partly due to SIN being this regions super connector hub as well as riding on SQ's network for connections.
  8. Whats funny is that this higher up folks are making 2-3x more than market for their similar role. While those engineers and pilots who are considered as highly niched and specialized roles are making below market rate.
  9. FY ATR72s are basically just passing time before they go into full retirement by 2027. After which FY will only operate jets, so until more jets go into their system, don't expect to see any improvements from this OTP issue. Perhaps in the coming months we will see consolidation of frequencies once their 737s start operating to PEN and other routes currently served by their ATRs.
  10. At the expense of quality is still acceptable as it will only impact their future business, however for safety its unacceptable.
  11. Interesting to see if fares to/fro SZB fetch any premium above KUL.
  12. Even on a dollar for dollar basis, MH Cabin crew is far behind. Not including SQ's generous bonuses.
  13. Sad to see engineers, pilots and flight attendants being paid pennies in a flag carrier. I was told Captains basic pay in MH is same as junior copilot basic in ME3. Engineers are paid 3x-4x more down south in that Island nation.
  14. Exactly whats happening to MH right now. Operations hampered solely by reliability issues.
  15. MEL is a common thing industry wide even for a brand new aircraft fresh out of factory, so the classification a lot of them are flying with MEL is not an accurate picture. Even an unserviceable blub (1 light out of 50) it will get listed under MEL. Does not mean the aircraft is not safe. In this situation, its the level of effort done by engineers to clear a defect. They too are under pressure from above to release an aircraft as soon as possible. So all end up doing quick fix instead of a thorough inspection and part change. Just like your PC issue, end up doing resets instead of solving the root cause like a hardware failure.
  16. Two more deliveries this year VE, and VF. If the universe aligns, maybe VG.
  17. MH got to reap what they sow from their poor fleet management decision making.
  18. But not at the right price. Used B737NG is highly in demand right now due to delays in new aircraft delivery and hundreds of PW A320/21N out of service due to PW engine issues.
  19. Sad that FY dont have their free hands in fleet selection and aircraft numbers. Seems like their growth potential will be greatly restricted if things remain status quo. With OD and AK adding metals like there is no tomorrow. I wonder how viable will FY jet ops be in the future with limited resources.
  20. 9M-FFF is seen to be wrapped up at an open bay near KUL MTB. Going to FY soon perhaps?
  21. Perhaps due to positioning of aircraft to operate their China charters ex-TWU.
  22. Incorrect. They will still be classified under their respective "Suku Kaum".
  23. Heard from insiders that MH is exploring A321neo XLR. With some leased A320ceo's coming ahead of the A321neo should the deal materialize.
  24. Current generation NB like the B737NG's and A320ceo's are able to meet the noise requirement through NADP. (Noise Abatement Departure Procedure) or usage of idle reverse upon landing in normal conditions.
  25. Also due to the fact that now MOT allows any type of narrowbody jet to operate out of SZB. Previously only limited to regional jet type below 150pax capacity when the SZB jet ops was mooted back in early 2023. Hence SKS thought they would be able to monopolize SZB jet ops with their E-jets. At that time, OD, FY, AK and other interested parties were not keen to invest in a new type. Not until MOT lifted that restriction lately allowing B737/A320 to operate. Whatever economic advantage the E-jets or equivalent (possibly A220) had got completely wiped out. More established players like AK, FY and OD literally don't need to invest anything to operate out of SZB as early as tomorrow. While SKS had to start from scratch with a higher cost base. With all this headwind, no sane corporation would want to invest in SKS.
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