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Nicholas Wan

cool video clip mas F27

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check this out guys at airlineTV.net

under masF27 cockpit flight kl-jb-kl 1988

cool video and this capt siva is doing his pre-flight check list

sorry dun know how to import that clip over here...

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check this out guys at airlineTV.net

under masF27 cockpit flight kl-jb-kl 1988

cool video and this capt siva is doing his pre-flight check list

sorry dun know how to import that clip over here...


just copy and paste the link of the video from airlineTV.net. :)

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Thanks a lot for sharing this link: being Dutch, I've especially enjoyed the Friendship flights on this KUL-JHB-KUL stretch; wow, what a difference SZB is now...making the approach for 33 it still looks like being in the 'middle of nowhere' and look at SZB now :o mind you, it's almost 20 years ago since this was filmed...


This livery looked great on the F27, but preferred the bordeaux-red one on the Friendship...


Great to see the 737-200's too :pardon:

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Thanks for sharing and it brings back the familiar noise of the F-27s. I remember I used to beat everyone to the first seat on the F-27s just to see the cockpit during the whole duration of the flight. It was free seating on the F-27 back then. What's the hissing sound when the plane landed on the runway?


Also with Subang, I remember the good old ramp at the centre of the terminal that will take you right down to the ground and back then everyone boards the 707, 737 and F-27 via the ramp and aerobridges were added later. IIRC, the ramp at the centre was taken down at a later stage? And IIRC there were two major curve ramps when Subang opened initially? An expansive viewing platform was also found at Subang T1, feel sad that the building has been torn down.


I thought T2 was already opened in 1988, didn't they use T2 for domestic flights? I caught 732 flights to Sabah via T2.... It was nice to see the F-27s, 732 and A300. Pretty much the typical scenery before the arrival of the 9M-MJ* and 9M-ML* registered 737-400 through lease.

Edited by S V Choong

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Uncle Pieter and/or Adrian will be in better position to clarify, but I believe the hissing noises were due to a 'pneumatic' as opposed to a 'hydraulic' system employed on the F27's If upon landing, probably because brakes being applied (grossly presumptous here, since I haven't watched the clip yet ! :pardon: )


I recall front end seat with view of cockpit would only be on left hand row. The front right of cabin is taken up by luggage and cargo compartment - my memory correct ? I'm very certain of those manual breeze generators located at seat pockets though :)

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Not really, I always sit on the right hand row. The cargo is separated to both sides, although the huge cargohold door is on the left. There is no barrier or whatsoever in between, so you get to see the cockpit from both right and left row on the aisle side.

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This brings back a lot of fond memories for me. I remember flying from Subang to Kota Bharu on one of these with my mom in the 80s. For the whole duration of the flight I would sit there absolutely terrified of the spinning propeller blades. I always imagined that one of the blades would somehow break-off and pierce the fuselage, causing the aircraft to crash. I also remember hanging out at the huge open-air viewing area/platform which ran for quite some length of the main terminal building (now demolished). The parked aircraft and the runway were directly in front of the viewing area. The highlight for me was when they would pushback the aircraft, start the engines and taxi to the runway. When that happened, not only can you hear the ear-splitting noise of the jet engine, you could also feel the vibration from the sound waves and smell the jet fumes. I was only seven or eight years old then and that experience caused me to fall in love with aviation. . Those were really good times.

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Ah SV,

With your description, I now seem to have lost most of my recollection of what the inside of a F27 looks like ! See what advancing age (and beer, my wife would say) does to one's cerebral functions ?!


Anyway, Izhar's description can be equally be applied to old TWU too right ? :)

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Uncle Pieter and/or Adrian will be in better position to clarify, but I believe the hissing noises were due to a 'pneumatic' as opposed to a 'hydraulic' system employed on the F27's If upon landing, probably because brakes being applied (grossly presumptous here, since I haven't watched the clip yet ! :pardon: )


Can confirm it's 'braking action' :pardon:


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It brings back my childhood memory wherby F27s was a major sight in BKI that time...Though i had never flown the F27s...i wonder how is it like? There's no air condition site? :rolleyes:

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..... Though i had never flown the F27s...i wonder how is it like? There's no air condition site? :rolleyes:

We need to know first if you have access to an oven ? Not the fancy microwave gadget nowadays, but old fashioned proper heat generating, preferably circular in shape with see through glass panel somewhere ! I think you know where I'm heading ;)


Remember, in those days, air conditioning by and large meant an open window and a ceiling or wall mounted fan. I recall old BKI terminal (now demolished) as being terribly stuffy and claustrophobic once they enclosed it and installed air conditioning. Heck, the building was neither designed nor built for that end. No amount of after-thought M&E work could ever sort out that problem.


Err, sorry for going OT somewhat ! :pardon:

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O/T believe it or not BC, Brick and mortar or concrete construction does not suit our tropical climate. The heat is absorbed during the day and being released slowly at night. Where in a timber house, it is much more cooler. I guess we have yet to find a replaceable material for the brick and mortar construction ;) This is one reason why T2 was so hot and the large and expansive glass panels didn't help either!


Heck, BC, I am getting the signs of slow and forgetful. It used to be that I am really good in spelling my words correctly. Now I can't even do it that well anymore! (And no beer or alcohol for me!)


Wow, the braking noise from the front wheel or the hydraulics?

Edited by S V Choong

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Wow, the braking noise from the front wheel or the hydraulics?


Pneumatic system; it also hisses when you released the parking brake :pardon:

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I can barely recall any of those paper fan you mentioned Nicolas. Is it the one with an old MAS logo in read colour in the middle of the white fan with "mas" at the bottom? Might be a hot item these day if anyone has one of those. it wasn't that hot inside during the good old days as the rear pax door and cargo door will be open for cross ventilation.



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..... it wasn't that hot inside during the good old days as the rear pax door and cargo door will be open for cross ventilation.

Yikes, I beg to differ - cross ventilation only works when there is a breeze outside the aircraft !


Anyway, it's quite possible to re-experience nostalgia, at least until 30 Sept. I noticed that although FAX's F-50's are equipped with APU and air conditioning, they choose not to have these operational whilst aircraft is in transit. My experience so far anyway ! I wonder if it will be any different post FAX era ?

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I have only just managed to watch the whole of the first clip - wow ! Thanks for reminding us of the high pitch shrill of those RR Darts. Also, that was my earliest recollection of JHB, aerobridge-less and remarkably similar to MYY (of a few years later) Nice to be reminded as well of MH's transition from the all red livery to current colours.


Well worth the wait whilst %^&@#$ streamyx tried its best to frustrate one with its unbelievable download speed ! :)

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Compared the shrill of RR Dart with the high pitch sound of the P&W JT8D and JT9D on the 727s and 737-100/200, the RR Dart is music to my ears. ;) I am able to hear the good old JT8D or JT9D in NZAA as DHL uses 727 Adv for their daily transport between AKL-SYD. Something nostalgic at least...

Edited by S V Choong

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..... the P&W JT8D and JT9D on the 727s and 737-100/200, the RR Dart is music to my ears .....

I don't think so ! Might be souping up the birds a bit more than they can handle ! :p

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