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Jamie H

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Everything posted by Jamie H

  1. really?? that sucks!! talk about misleading advertising.....i thought it was 40 movies, 60 TV short features, 200 CDs and 45 nintendo games and 10 PC games equating to over 350 entertainment options!!! i really liked their super marios and super tennis!!!!
  2. hmmmm.......DXB-KUL-ADL huh......very interesting indeed!!! even more exciting news......unless i was hallucinating, I remember reading off somewhere that KUL is one of the destinations that EK intends to deploy its A380s to!!! (but then again, with their 43 A380s, I suppose they'll use them everywhere )
  3. I thought the Select 3000i system has 55 games?? what happened to all the super mario, super tennis etc etc??!!!
  4. I love the Japanese crews........like the way they say "terima kasih"........so cute!!!
  5. Yeah, my boss recently flew KLM World Biz Class to Tokyo on a 777 and was highly impressed with the service..... I think until KLM uses a 777 to KUL or fits PTVs in their 744s.....Ill remain flying with MH back home! My only recent long-haul experience on a european carrier was on Lauda Air coupla years back.....LHR-VIE-KUL......IFE decent, cabin crew service average, but they served probably the best inflight Y class food I have ever had.....great food presentation, buns/rolls served in a basket (just like in first/business class), and every pax gets a mini bottle of red wine.......truly excellent
  6. Isaac, I think MAS is ready to compete with the likes of QF and BA on the kangaroo route, the question is, are THEY ready to compete with MAS??!! I agree with what u said on all skyteam carriers.......AF is one of the better european ones, alongside KL..........Ive had several experiences flying btw Manchester and Amsterdam, and though I cant comment on the service as its only a 45 mins flight, I reckon KL's biggest asset is its homebase Schiphol.....which is to me the best airport in the world (up there with Changi)
  7. No idea.......apparently KK and Sabah as a whole, is a very popular tourist destination amongst Koreans......and it just makes me wonder why dont OZ or KE just start a scheduled service there
  8. Speaking about foreign carriers, I remember in 2003 I think, whilst I was waiting for my dad to arrive from KUL, I saw 2 Korean 744s parked on opposite sides of the terminal.....YIKES!! Is it true that now Korean operates full service flights to BKI from ICN??
  9. Pieter, Is that a FULL or ASSOCIATE membership? Because we all KNOW that MH is NOT an ASSOCIATE pedigree!!! I guess at the end of the day, we have to think again what an alliance is : a group of individual airlines that have a form of cooperation to pool resources etc., but they still remain INDIVIDUAL airlines still looking after their own arses. Which is why QF will never allow MH in OW........AF meanwhile intends to ferry European pax to Australia via its CDG hub, but if MH(with its quite substantial European coverage) comes along, they'll just as they say it in Malay : 'potong-steam' (plan-spoiler)..........as EUropean pax no longer need to go through CDG to get to Australia
  10. I suppose so.......In my opinion, an airline opting for these so called angled lie-flat seats are either one of these two: 1)Theyre broke and cant afford better, non-generic seats ala BA or EK First 2)The purchasing team are just plain idiots and have absolutely no appreciation of the concept of comfort In the case of MH, its them both...sadly I wouldnt be surprised if SQ introduces a new SPACEBED next year....its always been the case and MH will continue to play the catch-up role
  11. hehe.....everyones answering for me today!!!! I guess its a matter of quality, Pieter.......The backbone of the ONeworld alliance is made up of some of the worlds best all-round airlines eg BA, QF, CX and in her days of glory AA But I guess at the rate of how things are going rite now, MH will never join an alliance.....QF will never allow MH in OW, and correct me if Im wrong, apparently AF (being the snobbish frogs they are) are giving MH the cold shoulder on entering ST So Santa....if ure out there, here me out OK??!! A320s and Oneworld for MAS
  12. I agree.......I just have a personal thing against the A330s......Dont quote me on this but Ive heard through the grapevine on how the powers that be in MH have long been unhappy with their 330s due to problems with dispatch reliability etc.... Nevertheless, we shall see what Airbus will do with the 350s
  13. I am no aviation expert, but I am under the impression that the 787 is a totally new aircraft whereas the A350 is apparently just an improved A330..... With that, I think MH should go for the 787s....throw in a couple of trippies as well, we all love 'em dont we?
  14. Thanx for answering the question for me Isaac My preference is based upon countless experiences I have had on A320s over here in Europe........AF, AZ, OS, LX etc.......The height and width of the cabin is significantly greater than the 737NGs, hence the more spacious feeling......Hell, I even find Easyjet's 320s more comfy than MHs 734s, imagine that!!! Keith, with regards to the protectionist culture, agreed agreed agreed!!
  15. Source: http://www.oneworld.com/pressroom/releases...m?ObjectID=6017 Yikes.......first Malev, now this???!! How much more desperate can they be? Nonetheless, these are my 2 Christmas Wish-Lists for MH: 1)To join the Oneworld alliance instead of Skyteam 2)To opt for the A320 instead of the 738
  16. not entirely true...........MH have introduced a revised seat pitch of 75" for their new GCC seats (as a result of complaints from customers I guess).............the new 772 GCC will only seat 35 pax as opposed to the original 42...............seats are still 2-3-2, hence narrow but pax no longer need to "climb over" their neighbours to get to the aisle................currently, only 9M-MRP, MRQ and MRA have the old 58" configuration, but these will eventually be revised to the new pitch
  17. ^^Phew.....and here I thought I was the only one who's pro-A32X.....Cant comment on the technical bits but from a pax's point of view, the A320 family wins hands down in terms of cabin ambience and comfort
  18. Me too!! Just out of curiosity, apart from the much beloved Papa-Bravo and Papa Delta as well as Papa-Juliette, any idea anyone on which other 744s have been retrofitted with the new F, C etc??
  19. looks like a big, modern looking factory doesnt it?.....from what i heard, it is out-of-this-world HUGE however, the airport has been plagued by controversy after controversy: source: http://news.airwise.com/story/view/1127902764.html
  20. hehehe......in my opinion.......i think SIN is still catchable......but on the other hand, BKK is in a different league altogether........can u believe they were the 14th busiest airport in the world last year, and 3rd in Asia after Haneda and Narita.....amazing huh? my bro's best friend brought him to visit the Suvarnabhumi construction site whilst holidaying in Bangkok, and he told me "Put it this way.....it is GI-normous" Just like the current English football team!!!
  21. i dont think they meant it that way.......just the fact that KLIA has been welcoming a hodge-podge of Asian carriers lately, it would be nice to see more European carriers coming in besides the current three as for EI, it would have to be a one stop service most probably in BKK.....none of their current aircrafts can be deployed on a DUB-KUL route non-stop AFAIK and as for EY, great news! an M-11 is always welcome little do ppl know that a while ago (during the Wings alliance era), Alitalia had actually announced intentions to mount an MXP-KUL-SYD service utilising a 772, but alas it never materialised...think they should now reconsider.....was in Langkawi late last year, and it was infested with Italians.....no joke! all in all.....a great effort from MAHB......think they got a smacking on their butts to get their acts together asap as KUL is no longer competing against just BKK and SIN regionally....but also against the up and coming CGK! muhammad! Satu-Kosong!!! hehehehe
  22. wow.....looks pretty big.......will there be any aerobridges or pax will have to walk to aircrafts ala SZB Terminal 3?
  23. Question : In the first of the two 'royal airforce' Tristar pics, the building construction behind it..........is that the LCC terminal??
  24. ahahahaha........the KUL-CGK war now, who would've thought that it would ever be debated....used to be KUL vs BKK/SIN.....what next? KUL vs Manila?
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