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Dr Frasier

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About Dr Frasier

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  1. Does anyone know why 9M-MVC has not operated any flights since its acceptance and delivery to KUL?
  2. Malaysia Airlines to commence second daily flight to Doha from 01Aug2022 MH164/165 will also be operated by A330 MH164 KUL0255 – 0515DOH 333 D MH160 KUL2120 – 2350DOH 333 D MH161 DOH0150 – 1440KUL 333 D MH165 DOH0805 – 2055KUL 333 D Reservations are not open yet so still subject to change
  3. On a different topic… on Flightradar24- MH127/126 seems to be operating daily with the A330 and tonight’s flight is just behind SQ215 and just ahead of QF72 - and has been for the last 3 weeks or so..however… Does anyone know why this flight is not open for reservations or listed on Perth Airport arrivals/departures? Is it still only operating for Cargo only? Seems odd that only the 737-operated MH125/124 and twice weekly A330 MH127/126 is bookable - although the actual flights that seem to be flying do not match what’s available for reservations… Cheers…
  4. Prompted by a recent conversation where I was told by a friend that MH now charges for baggage - I tried to make a dummy booking and indeed the booking website is terribly flawed. The booking process/engine is misleading and after you have chosen your flights - you are taken to a page to choose your seat, pay for baggage and then choose a meal. To the unfamiliar - it is unclear that your booking already includes 30kg of luggage and I inadvertently doubled the cost of the ticket once I added 'prepaid luggage of 20kg'! The engine then asks you to make a meal selection and apart from 'Korean Beef' - all the other options are all special meal options. I have provided feedback to MAS via their website but I expect this has vapourise into the ether... is there a way of bringing this to the attention of Malaysia Airlines?? (I can see why friends have been put off booking with MH as the price doubles once you 'add luggage' - and I wonder how many people may have been caught out by this.. and feel MH need to be aware of this flaw)
  5. I got my figure from the crew on board.. Perhaps they meant 80 in total on the lower deck where i was seated.. Still pretty appalling load in my opinion... Curiously i wanted to travel on 11feb only to be told that the flight was FULL by MAS and i had to upgrade to Business Class for MH4 on 11feb.. So most of those 249 were in Economy?? For a capacity of 494 on the a380...
  6. Arrived LHR on MH4 last night and there were only about 80 pax...
  7. Good Call! Now if that 777 could be put to better use instead.. Another daily Seoul service, or another daily Shanghai or Melbourne or even thinking outside the box - perhaps Johannesburg or Cairns or even just further strengthening of HK services to all widebody operations? Lets hope management prove they can follow it through having started the ball rolling!
  8. British Airways confirms Jakarta with crew already receiving rosters for Singapore-Jakarta shuttle on BA11
  9. More tackiness and govt meddling/corruption in MAHB and all things tourist related...
  10. Not true.. BA executive club earn fewer points on MH. RJ flights earn most tier points and we hope QR flights will also see similar tier point awards. To be fair - i hadnt intended to put forward this view that you had clearly read into. Anyway - I will let sleeping dogs lie. I wonder if your view of AF's return and Total's, Peugeot's, Renault's expansion in Malaysia is seen in the same light...
  11. Whilst i accept your view - i find it frightfully narrow-minded rather than 'seeing the bigger picture' in my view... I fail to see British investments in China or Indonesia as a form of neo-colonialism where BA (along with this trade) is concentrating on expanding into (to return to the topic). I do feel it is a shame that Malaysia is not seen in the same light (as these other economies). As an airline that focuses on Business travel, BA aims to operate to support business traffic - it has nothing to do with 'neo-colonial arrogance' but just good business sense in my opinion.
  12. You've misread my original post.. Its because of the 'poor UK-Malaysia trade ties' that makes it less attractive for BA to return to KUL.. If British businesses saw Malaysia as a better country to invest in - you'd probably see those Speedbirds back on the tarmac at KUL as its main agenda is to serve the business customer - rather than the VFR or student markets. As a shareholder of IAG, this has been cited as one of the main reasons for not returning to Malaysia.. Transparency has to improve and with companies like BP as one of the many large account holders at BA for example - when we see BP stations back on the streets of Malaysia for example - the sooner it would be that BA sees KUL a viable route. It is a bit of a shame when once, KUL was a main station for BOAC/BA...
  13. BA11/12 flight times are changing to accommodate a tag-on at Singapore. Rumour and logistically - Jakarta seems the most likely contender as the new flight times mirror the previous BA33/34 flights that used to operate via KUL. Sadly...KL still not on the cards and who would have thought BA would serve Indonesia and not Malaysia - inconceivable not so long ago!! I could get political (in the current climate) but will refrain... The damage to UK-Malaysia business ties are clearly visible...
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