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Abdul Qayyum

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Everything posted by Abdul Qayyum

  1. antonov-124 is currently at MASkargo bay.. was so near but yet no camera with me to capture ruslan..
  2. hahaha.. was it missed purposely to add same but not similar effect??
  3. I was informed that the southern air is currently undergoing maintenance and all its 4 engine are being replace.. those 3 air atlanta and 1 Saudi Arabia 747 in front of the engineering hangar is to be scraped (one of the air atlanta scrapping job is on going..)
  4. i guess its the APU as i can see heat trail from the exhaust.. correct me if im wrong..
  5. E-4B.. though it was at the bay, the engine runs 24hours non stop.. later 2 bus came ferrying personnels other catch
  6. could be since the US defence secretary is in town..
  7. saw a united states 747 at the MASkargo apron.. unfortunately my camera was not with me.. i spotted an unusual pod on top of the 747(anyone know whats that for??) besides having a air-to-air refueling capability.. will definitely bring camera tomorrow..
  8. i made similar assumption too before reading the last line..haha..
  9. Got a picture from my uncle informing a emergency landing of a MAS 737-400 at Senai from KUL..any information bout it?? look at the gear..
  10. managed to see both NCA 747-400F.. yesterday while leaving office, it was NCA-pegasus and today NCA-Aries..all carrying motor GP stuffs..
  11. 32R was closed from 12-2++ for aircrash exercise.. any pictures of the exercise??
  12. today KLIA did their annual air crash exercise at runway 32R around 12pm - 2pm.. 150 on board Champion Air and 52 death reported..
  13. Yes,the engineers was fixing the flaps..
  14. I was on a site visit at MASKargo and managed to get in a 747-400F(9M-MPS) 9M-MPS no seats..these is where the palletes will lock in.. and the flight deck..
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