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Mohd Faridz Mohd Yunus

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Everything posted by Mohd Faridz Mohd Yunus

  1. Nice to meet u too Victor,so u are also a member of Jetspotter 360 ka?Just got the invite...but dunno whether to join or not...guess I am with Mwings now...where there is lotsa nice guys to lepak2 spotting.. ...n not to forget,nice to meet everyone there that day...semua gila aeroplane like me...
  2. thats semalam punya la boss,during thaipusam... TK and gang,anytime I am in KUL,count me in for spotting,I will convince the 'Home Ministry'for approval...heee...hee..or I'll just stealthily slip away out of home....
  3. Some more shots of 9V-SKA on the 23rd Jan... SQ3003 in comparison with our baby boeing..heat haze not helping laa.. Later at 1800,SQ3005...no more heat haze,so manage to caught her on touchdown 32L,can see the vapours over the slats.. Rolling in her full glory,love the wingspan!! Cant fit even though zoom out to 100mm and I am further behind the rest of the guys.. Thats Ibrahim-tiang-SuperDugong-KLIA tower...(kacau saja la tiang lampu..damn!!) Last but not least,the standard cliche shot in KLIA... Thanks a lot guys..had a lot of fun especially first time spotting in KLIA and first time seeing the A380...what an irony for a guy like me!!Really enjoy it!!Will do it again anyday!!For the rest of the AUH spotters,jgn jealous haa....hee..hee..
  4. Super duper pics guys...tension...tension..i will try to spot her this wednesday..suppose to be the last day she is scheduled to fly to KUL for training..hope she comes..once again,impressive shots guys..amazing!!
  5. Let me add...superb shots of the RMAF jets...especially the F5F!!...very rare,probably only 2 left?...still have fond memories growing up as a kid in Ulu Kelang,watching this kris shaped jets holding over our place before running in for the Merdeka Day flypast every year...
  6. Yeah...I guess,here in the Middle East,people are not aware that there is such thing as a hobby called plane spotting...for us,as all of us are from EY,we just always remind ourselves to bring crew ID la..just incase police decided to stop by and ask questions...hopefully it will help one day..I remember,when we first join EY,when the 777 first came..we all selamba je ambik gambar of the aircraft during walkaround at the apron..even the airport security ask me to take photo of him...then suddenly one day,I whip out my dslr during walkaround,this security personnel approach me and said no photograph ...kinda confusing,sekejap boleh,sekejap tak boleh..hee..hee...dunno whats going on...I oso spot aircraft from my rooftop,but mostly helis of abu dhabi aviation,as they pass like clockwork over my house everyday...Ibrahimi?dah lama dah tak pegi...ever since i move near the airport...why not,drop by anytime in AUH,maybe we can lepak2 and know each other..there are 4 planechasers here so far,including me,and we are all org MALAYAN UNION ..nice to make new buddies..in the meantime,I shall try to find time to post pics here..
  7. Yeah..imran,I heard abt this before..what really happen?we know that we are not suppose to take photos at the airport...or anywhere near it laa..kita org pegi duduk kat abt 3 miles final..some where near a residential area..what do you mean by CID kena tarik?..biasalah,kat UAE ni,people are paranoid pasal kamera...mcmlah org nak ambik gambar dia..thats why,we keep a low profile..go in small group,park somewhere..and lepak dlm kereta..maklumlah,kat tgh desert,mana lagi nak lepak kan?..btw,did u mean,that after pakai dish dash and headgear,the cops join u for planespotting ke? ..good idea..boleh try,except muka dah sah bukan muka arab..
  8. Myn...6 more month is summer..planespotting season is over la..panass bagai nak gila n berdebu..camne nak test ur super duper lens...so,moral of the story...BELI SEKARANG!!! : ...ala..pastu bayar la interest free installment ke apa ke..macam tak biasa...and oso kau kena pegi gym skg angkat berat byk2..practice shooting with da lens..ohh..did I mention to you just now that 6 month from now summer? ...nak pegi planespotting?anytime bro...gimme a buzz..
  9. Congrats Myn...after our long wait,u have finally 'nailed'the 'Black Jet of Abu Dhabi'...bet you when it lands at night in Auh,the tower have problem finding the aircraft...maklumlah,in stealth livery!!! ...looks like you are on the other side of runway 31...more reason for you to get a longer focal length!! ..sorryla,cant borrow u my lens,since its a canon.. anyway..great one..more to come I believe..
  10. Interesting thread..as for me the lists are: -Malaysia Airlines(F50/B732/734/735/DC10/A330/B772/B744) -Singapore Airlines(A310/772) -Pelangi(F50) -Emirates(B772) -Etihad(B763/B773/A332) -Myanmar Airways(B734) -Angel Air(B735) -Thai Airways(A300/A330/B772) -Shanghai Airlines(B767) -British Airways(A320) -Alaska Airlines(MD80/B737) -Air Asia(B733/A320) ..thats about it I guess..
  11. Tks bro...nice to know that u like it...PP is a lot of observing and trial and error laa...as they say,beauty is in the eye of the beholder...my 400mm and Spyder shud be arriving tommorow...they call yesterday to confirm custom clearance..kena Dhs320..after this,its heli spotting time atas rumah!!yehaa...
  12. Nice shot bro...wish I could have seen it in MNL,one of these beast taxies past me in Abu Dhabi last month,but hell,cameras not allowed on the apron!! ..try experimenting with colour filters in CS2 on this one to bring some impact...cheers
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