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Everything posted by JualMinyak

  1. http://www.theage.co...0713-220us.html "Smelly, dirty water overflowed from sinks, soaking the carpets in the cabin and large volumes of soapy shower water came through the ceiling and into the galley food-preparation area." Searched A.net, but nothing there either.
  2. Great trip report from the both of them. Summary sums it up pretty well - simple but functional. Go MAS! Keep up the momentum! I thought seat pitch in Y was 33", but Airpearl reports it to be 32"?
  3. MH Mgmt has monitoring this forum and in response to all the feedback about its J Class seats, MH's second dugong, MSN081 will have all its J class seats removed. Instead, J class passengers will receive this in their amenity kits upon boarding: Only kidding lah! ;-)
  4. From the discussion so far, it looks like the J Class hard product is already behind the 8 ball from the word go. MH Sales/Marketing Dept should go into overdrive to sell the soft product, seeing that Skytrax has just released their survey results. Lets hope that MH never looses the category of Best Cabin Staff again. Coupled with the Best Signature Dish, they should be able to pull something out of the bag...hopefully.... Then in 3 years time, rip the seats out and upgrade them, and reinstate 34" in Y class ....;-)
  5. Thanks for the reply. Haha! Seems like the RR TotalCare agreement is similar to QF's 'power by the hour' agreement with RR. In that case, AJ should have asked Airbus to demo a powerback using the #2 and 3 engines. FOD damage? Hello RR - tolong repair, OK? ;-) Mana tau, in case KUL-LHR needs to divert to AOR (my home airport la) one day and there isn't a tug powerful enough in AOR. Last sentence was meant in jest la. Not even sure if AOR's runway is long/wide enough to handle a A380....
  6. Alamak, ini macam if the Airbus pilots 'tekan minyak' before delivery and add a few cycles to the airframe... is it a good tradeoff between publicity for MH and the aircraft's logbook? The infamous B707 barrel roll comes to mind...... I mean, if I were to purchase a brand new car, I would expect to have near to 0 on the odometer (save for the car being driven up and down the cargo ship). I assume the formal handover has yet to take place, as she still wears an "F" reg. Touch wood, what would happen if a tailstrike were to occur? Can MAS say to JLeahy "Dude, your flyboys dinged my brand new plane, I tak mau this one, gimmie a new one......" Just thinking outside the box la. BTW, this is my first post, so please be gentle sikit la with the flamethrowers....as I quickly don my triple layer Nomex suit..... ;-)
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