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Posts posted by Ignatius

  1. ignatius..have u try the new seafood resturant on the way to KIA?

    can u do spotting there? just wondering. smile.gif



    You mean the Global Eating place kah? by TPKing? can can.. but its a distance away, unless you have TK's D200 and his 400mm VR lens smile.gif


  2. Sure thingy Jonathan, sure thingy, ladder provided must be 2 pax supportivelah can?? haha.. If u want to use my bumbung, have to cast concretelah eheh...


    Pix taken at Runway 07 near the TUDM base entrance.. parking space always taken, the first always taken by me for it is the highest spot. If there is a place like the observation hill or weather station in KLIA, syoklah... but this is the best WBGG can provide... tongue.gif

  3. Ok ok, some other spotting pix... and nothing as usual, except for a few surprises tongue.gif


    AAW on take offs

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    Bigger Bus Nose Nose for those who love noses shot tongue.gif

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    A330 landed, MH127/6 speedbrakes fully deployed, thrust reverse suda simpan

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    Vacating runway taxiing back to gates, with speedbrakes still up

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    Moments later baru captain ingat.. aii speedbrake masih up, patutlah slow haha laugh.gif

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    Before realising it, MMC took off

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    Then another MMF

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    Whoooo so hot that day... cool.gif but satisfied at least laugh.gif


    Ooopss.. forgot, surprise of the day was yesterday evening DHL came for a visit


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  4. Tomorrow when u go spotting? I may be free tomorrow evening. Morning got to register for new semester dry.gif



    Aduuuh, like that hard lah Delwin.. also duno when to go, will be there waiting for T7 in the morning , just incase MRD drops by unexpectedly, then spot till 330pm for Baby Bus, just incase AFB drops by instead of AFA hehe.. smile.gif Dont merajuklah Delwin.. at least next time spotting no need to travel so far right?!! biggrin.gif


  5. Nice shots of the F28 Ignatius smile.gif



    Hehe its better if we are together spotting Delwin.. , joining for tomorrow spotting? if weather permitslah...


    Great shot guys ...


    One request though, would like to see the 743 rotating pics ..

    Nizam, i think the 743 rotating pix are on the TF-AMJ thread.. taken by fellow us three Nick, Delwin & I.. cheers..

  6. Ummm guys,.. Nick & I would probably be spotting tomorrow on the 2nd day of Januarry year 2006 smile.gif not used to typing the 06 hehe.. It all depends on the weather then.. so Goh,.. spot for the airasia Arena with someone climbing up to the highest point of the car hehe.. that would be the crazy WBGG spotter Me.. and the other two would be Nick and Delwin.. both equally crazy as I am hehe.. Spotters what... Will post some photos taken today.. alone sadly.. but it is SunDAy with good lights.. Highlights is 9M-AFA.. stay tune rolleyes.gif

  7. ignatius,


    mine : Delta 70 with Sigma 500 lense. Heavy but steady....

    jonathan: Delta 70 with nikkor 200 'chowkia' lense....

    fendy: sony what aaaa fendy???

    TK: Delta 200 with Nikkor 400 lense (Delta 70 hibernating at home)......rich guy maaa.....

    norman: was it panasonic??? waiting for you to get a Delta soon but ignatius...dont underestimate norman, he is the king of KLIA control tower. if he says "make sure CX 744 takes off on 14R"......tower would oblige "yes my Lord"...........  and jonathan and i will live happily ever after biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif  biggrin.gif





    Fullamak!! 500 ah? must be damn long haha.. crop factor on your delta is like 1.6? 1.5? Aii.. I also notice all Deltas kah? no Charlie? hehe..

    So Norman is the Sith Lord eh.. great inner force he has,, that I underestimate.. uhmm uhhmm.. Panasonic? never underestimate tooo, maybe he got something else up his sleeves one day

    Still no one teach me how to modify my radio for ATC transmission.. sad.gif


    By the way, how to get sigma lens in Malaysia ah? Looking for a 4/3 system for my Olympus at least 200 oneslah.. coz it will equivalent to 400mm Olympus Zuiko very mahallah.. 200 with ED almost RM5000!!! Berlubang lubang my seluar like that!

  8. Oooo. like than i faham faham.. but then regarding speedbrakes as an obstruction towards a proper evac? I think from this AAP case, they all succesfully evacuated without even saying.. hey.. that blardy speedbrake kacau kacau only hehe... !!?? Because as far as i know, the speedbrakes are not so close to the evac doors bah.. maybe they takut got people got stuck between the gaps of the holes when it is deployed?? maybe thats why procedure calls for it to be retracted hoh.. I am just curious with storms up my head thats all.. cheers mate, thanks alot for the Sys A & B thingy...

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