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About lawrence1967

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  1. When we speak of WW2, a fascinating subject for me, are the captured aircraft. I share with you the link below, which features an interesting collection of photographs about them. Many of them are new to me and I had never seen with these marks. I hope you enjoy. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2011/01/aeronaves-capturadas.html Best Regards.
  2. I share with you some photos of the Embraer 195 of Azul Brazilian Airlines especially painted in tribute of the 20th anniversary of the legacy of Ayrton Senna. In the link below you will find more information and photos of this aircraft and a lot of other brazilian commercial, military and civilian aircrafts. I count on your visit. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2015/03/aeroporto-internacional-hercilio-luz_23.html
  3. I share with you the following link that brings some photos of B-24 Liberators in unusual cammos. The reason for the colorful and exotic camouflage was to give USAAF bombers a visual aid to form up after takeoff before heading out on their missions. I hope you enjoy. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2011/01/camuflagens-exoticas-b-24-assembly-ships.html Cheers. Lawrence
  4. In the last two weeks, the AFB Florianópolis hosted the largest simulated training of Search and Rescue (SAR) in Latin America. The following link brings an extensive and complete report with a lot of photos and information about training. I hope you enjoy and I count on your visit. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2015/03/exercicio-carranca-iv-treinando-para.html
  5. Interesting report showing many types of aircraft of the Royal Air Force were captured and tested by the Luftwaffe. The following link shows a collection of photos, some well known and others rare, these aircraft with German markings. Hope you enjoy. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2011/02/avioes-britanicos-com-marcas-alemaes.html Cheers. Lawrence
  6. The Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka was a rocket powered human-guided anti-shipping kamikaze attack plane, using as a platform, the bomber Mitsubishi G4M Betty. The following link shows a report and some photos this weapon, employed by Japan towards the end of World War II. I hope you enjoy. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2011/02/uma-bomba-kamikase.html Cheers. Lawrence
  7. I had never seen this and share with you a few photos of a Vought F4U Corsair carrying a bomb guided by radar ASM-N-2 Bat. The photos and a small report can be viewed at the link. Hope you enjoy. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2011/02/f-4u-corsair-testando-bomba-guiada.html Cheers. Lawrence
  8. Undoubtedly one of the most interesting weapons used by the Luftwaffe during the World War II, the Mistel. The following link shows a full report and photos, some, rares for me. Hope you enjoy. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2011/02/mistel.html Cheers. Lawrence
  9. I share with you some photos of the Embraer 195 of Azul Brazilian Airlines specially painted to celebrate the fusion with TRIP Linhas Aéreas. To see other photos of this aircraft and its beautiful paint scheme, plus more than 150 photos of other commercial and private aircraft, please visit the link below. I hope you enjoy and I count on your visit. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2015/02/aeroporto-internacional-hercilio-luz_15.html
  10. During WW2, either by carriage to the Theater of Operations or conducting tests for naval versions, often was possible to have the unusual sight of land-based fighters operating on aircraft carriers. I found and share with you the following link, that presents a collection of curious photos of these aircraft. Hope you enjoy. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2011/02/estranhos-sobre-o-deque.html Cheers. Lawrence
  11. In this photo taken on Sunday morning (08/02) from the Campeche neighborhood in Florianópolis, and shows the Boeing 737-800 of brazilian GOL Airlines taking off the head 14 of the Hercílio Luz International Airport (FLN / SBFL) with the moon as witness. More photos of FLN/SBFL? Visit us: http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/
  12. I share with you some photos of the Embraer 195 (PR-AYY, c/n 19000475) specially painted to promote the airline's package tour program. To see more pictures and more information about this aircraft, please visit the link below. It also you will find a compilation of more than 150 photos of other commercial, military and civilian aircraft photographed this day. I hope you enjoy and I count on your visit. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2015/02/aeroporto-internacional-hercilio-luz.html ,
  13. I share with you, a picture made of my house window yesterday, showing a Airbus A320 of the TAM Airlines in the final to the head 14 of the Hercílio Luz Int'l Airport (FLN/SBFL) framed in the late afternoon by majestic clouds of type Cumulus Nimbus, showing how humans and their machines may be small in the face of nature. Hope you enjoy !!!
  14. Was yesterday in Florianópolis (FLN/SBFL), the Boeing 737-700 of the Aerolineas Argentinas specially painted with the colors of SkyTeam, one of the three major global alliances between airline companies in the world. In the link below you can see the special report we prepared counting some of the history of this important airline, illustrated with photos that made this aircraft and its beautiful painting. I hope you enjoy and I count on your visit. http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2015/01/um-hermano-com-uniforme-especial.html
  15. Was yesterday in Florianópolis, a true classic of the Commercial Aviation, an MD-83 of the Andes Lineas Aereas, opening this summer season, the charter flights of Argentine airline to the capital of State of Santa Catarina. The full report and photos about this fantastic aircraft can be seen through the link below: http://aviacaoemfloripa.blogspot.com.br/2015/01/mad-dog-em-florianopolis.html I hope you enjoy and I count on your visit.
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