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Kenneth Chong WT

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Posts posted by Kenneth Chong WT

  1. On the side note;


    What social science said about six degree of separation is proven again; 2 of our forumers are connected.


    Apple iPad built quality is unexpectedly strong.

    pardon me...but who are?

    Today I had the chance to meet some of the family members of those on board #MH17.


    This is Leftenant Commander Lee Vee Weng, an officer in the Royal Malaysian Navy. His wife, only son and sister in law were on board #MH17 which took off from Amsterdam's Schiphol airport shortly after noon on Thursday and was supposed to land in Kuala Lumpur at about 6:10am local time on Friday. His wife was a lecturer in UMS and was in Europe to present a paper at the University of Antwerp. She brought her sister to help take care of Leftenant Commander Lee's 1 year old son while she attended the conference.


    At the crash site, someone found his wife's iPad and tried to establish contact with her family members. As her Facebook was not signed out on the iPad, the individual managed to connect the iPad to a Wi-Fi network and message Leftenant Commander Lee's sister in law in Malaysia who happened to be online at the time through her Facebook account. However, the messages were in Russian.


    We have requested the Military Attache from the Ukrainian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur to get in touch with the individual possessing the iPad.

    It is important that an independent investigation is conducted into this tragic incident. We also depend on sustained pressure from the international community on this, and as you know, I have been on the phone with Britain's Foreign Secretary Phil Hammond and US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel to seek their support. If it's anything like the cooperation we received during MH370, then I am hopeful.


    My immediate priority is for the 30-member Special Malaysian Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team (SMART) to be be granted access to the crash site.

    #MH17 has deeply shocked all Malaysians from all walks of life, still grappling with the trauma of the disappearance of #MH370 just a few months ago. We will do everything to ensure that the perpetrators will be brought to face justice for this inhumane crime.


    Leftenant Commander Lee Vee Weng and Hishamudin.




    I can only imagine his pain and anguish...they met at utm...and stayed loyally to each other for all these years...now she's gone...with their only child...I still cant find the words to comfort him...I wish I could say something profound...but im just so speechless...😭

  2. Ehh...I thought Uncle Tony say Miri is a success and Kuching a failure? Kuching mostly serves as a hub for people connecting from Sibu Bintulu and Miri...now with direct flights from Miri...surely it looks like there's a sudden growth...people used to flying through Kuching and Kota Kinabalu are flying direct now which makes the traffic from Kuching drop...I feel that the number of passengers are the same just spread out between Kuching and Miri now...an example...my colleague is from Penang but works in Miri...she would fly to Kuching 4 times a year to connect to Penang...now she flies direct...so looks like passengers Miri is booming while Kuching numbers are falling...in actual fact the numbers are actually the same. Make sense?

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