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Posts posted by Waiping

  1. Hi Guys,


    Last time I used to have a dream/target to fly on all types of Malaysia Airlines aircraft and I think I have flown on all, including the old F27, the DC-10, twin otter and B747 as passenger. After that I set myself a target of flying on all classes for each type of aircraft but so far only managed GCC of B737. Really kicking myself for not trying the GCC on T7 last year. Maybe it would be a bit tough from now on since most of my travel will be on company-funded AK class now.


    The other plan of mine would be to fly as many airlines as possible but so far only managed MH, AK and BI for me. My wife did better since she went to Milan on Qatar 2 years ago. :angry: I plan to take the trip below soon especially SilkAir is running promo BKI-SIN for RM288 one way.


    BKI - SIN - SilkAir

    SIN - KUL - Tiger

    KUL - SIN - JetStar

    SIN - BKI - SilkAir


    Total cost around RM1500 should be enough. I thought of improving the route by flying SQ from SIN - PEN instead and fly AK on PEN - BKI.


    Any nuts out there?

  2. i think the route v many flights per day will b the unlucki routecoz everyday check flights at KLIA website saw many cancellation flight to Kuching kk langkawi.....btw, the load for the flight to hanoi hochiminh hongkong haikou guangzhou are really goodhope they will increase the frequency but not..... cancel @@
    1 other incident, only this time not related to flight cancellation.Was coming back from KL in Feb along with some friends. Our scheduled flight was at 7:30pm and when we reached LCCT the electronic board displayed our flight as delayed. Since we were already there we might as well check in but when we clarify with the attendant at the check-in counter, she said flight is on time. So obviously the display board was incorrect! :blink:Please check with as many people as possible when you are flying on AK.
    i too had a few bad experience with AK. They cant just simply delay or rather "retime"(as AK would prefer to call it) flights again n again... Hopefully d authority can do something about it...Some might suggest that we r nt suppose to complain as AK is a "low cost" carrier. but i personally think tat "low cost" doesn't mean "delay/retime"! a flight is stil a flight whether is "full fare" or "low cost"...
    Yeah, low cost but still pay. Besides, not really low cost lah.

  3. Just to share a few bad experiences I had with AK


    1. In 2006 year end my office had a training in KCH and we took Air Asia. The original schedule was I think 8:30pm. Delayed for 1 hour. Checked-in and boarded the plane, engine died. Cannot start so waited for awhile before everyone boarded another plane. Halfway refueling and thunderstorm came. Air steward cannot close the door due to the stairs still connected to the plane so front row carpet all wet. Rain stopped and continue refueling. After that taxi to end of runway and as I was bracing myself for the take-off the plane slowly roll back to terminal. Captain addressed that due to extension of Kuching airport the airport had to be shutdown after 12pm. We would not be able to make it before 12pm. Had excuse not to attend the training.


    2. My mum booked the inaugural flight from BKI-PEN. She was heading back to Penang for Ching Meng. Flight scheduled at 7am so we checked in very early. Around 9am mum called said flight delayed to an unknown time. Around 12pm another delay. Another delayed at 2pm. Finally mum called flight canceled at 7pm! I went to the airport and there was a commotion as some Penangites were furious and they demanded answers at the AK office on the first floor T2. Security personnel had to be called in to handle the situation. At one point I thought of lodging a police report against AK for illegally confining my mum. AK finally fixed the problem at around 9pm and they offer either we continue with the flight or take another one another day. My mum took the same flight 2 days later. For the 12 hours AK held my mum in the departure hall they only gave her and the rest of the passengers 1 plain bread and 1 bottle of 325ml water each. My MAS flight from Labuan to KK was delayed for 30 minutes and we were given mixed veggie rice, water and an apple! Due to this incident I started using my this signature in DAC - "Air Asia - Not Everyone can Fly".


    3. Last month was supposed to travel to KL on the 12pm flight to attend a formal function at 7pm that night. This was the next day after I came back from SZX. Around 10am received an sms that the flight has been canceled and asked to choose another flight instead. Thought they would automatically put me on the next flight so went to airport at 1pm for the 2pm flight. No name and that flight and the 4pm flight also full. Phone boss if still need to travel as by the time reach KL function already over. Boss said cancel the trip.


    4. On the 9/4 - a day after election again to KL with boss but different flight. Boss booked the 10am and I took the 12pm. Boss' flight was canceled and ended up the same flight with me. The flight was full to the brink so we suspected that AK was putting passengers for 2 flights into 1.


    Personally I suspected that with the number of flights between KK-KL each day AK probably canceled at least 1 flight everyday. You can choose a flight but not necessary that that particular flight would fly. Anyway that's my own opinion.

  4. Most probably the beach. Now we just need more shopping centres here. I hate Centre Point :angry:


    No sweat! I was counting the number of shopping complexes (existing and in progress) and I think we have around 20 now?


    Current: CPS, Merdeka, KK Plaza, Karamunsing, Warisan Square, Wawasan Plaza, Kompleks Asia City, Likas Square, City Mall, Central Plaza, Kolombong Giant(?)

    In progress: 1Borneo, KK Times Square, Megalong, the one opposite Sutera Harbour, opposite Likas Square

  5. Unfortunately I was hoping to at least catch a glimpse of the B787. Surprisingly not much was offered. Only model and a simulator was available and not for public to play. However, Boeing was very generous with their freebies i.e. cap, key-chains, stickers, wall-calenders and even pins.


    Overall an exciting experience. Hope to see more planes next time around.


    Just to share. I caught this during the first day at the airshow




    And in the afternoon, caught this at Changi International



  6. Ladies and gentleman this is your captain speaking, as per government regulations all flights out of Sabah are required of mandatory mosquito fogging. The fog is harmful so i would like to request that you close your nose and stop breathing for a moment, your friendly copilot will pop out the oxygen mask once he finds the button. Symptoms of fog poisoning include nausea, stomach ache, or sometimes death. Should you experience any of the symptoms above, feel free to contact our cabin crew. If you experience the third symptom, our cabin crew will tentatively tender to you right after the inflight sales. Do not feel shy as our cabin crew are all trained by the Red Crescent Society of Malaysia. On behalf of AirAsia and everyone here onboard, we wish you a pleasant flight. Thank you for flying Air Asia; Now everyone can be free of AEDES.


    During my last visit to Shanghai on RBA there was indeed a similar announcement and after that a crew member would spray something towards the aircon vent. I think it happened on all 4 different flights I took that time. Not sure if it's standard or they have stop practicing it already.

  7. But her face so so only...she sit near me in the plane. But that flight got saw some nice chick la.

    Nolah me from KK. Go to twu every month to work. Sorry for the poor photo quality i dun have digital camera :sorry:


    Some more low quality camera phone pic...


    Wah, this picture looks dahsyat! I mean it looks like an emergency in progress.

  8. Hello,


    i think you came to KK via MAS and back to KL via AA. i dont think its a special request from KKIA but its an official law by DCA esp when in open / outside the terminal like LCCT. why taking photo is prohibited? it because when you taking photo you will disturbed the others for boarding and will make it late. try to imagine if every one want to take photo while tehre is other people want to rush for boarding. and i think it also for safety reasons.


    anyway i just came back from LCCT sent my wife back to KK and she just called me told she just arrived and waiting for the bags. and i like to wish Happy Chinese New Year. sorry for belated wish since i'm quite busy with my work and this monday i'll go to Kuala Langat bring my under 12 cricket player for Selangor state tournament.


    Hi. Both ways via AK. Only that in KLIA LCCT there was no such announcement.

  9. Happy Chinese New Year to all 9M-BKI Members, I'll be leaving on the 9th Feb. Its been great meeting some of MWingers (Meor, Kenneth, Samuel, WaiPing).See u guys when i see u. =D (I learn from u, Meor)Happy Spotting in another great year. :friends:
    Have a safe trip!
    Just flash up, when I am in BKI, do I need a ladder?
    Yeah, if necessary we just get some here. I think if one is required then all of us would need one.
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