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Posts posted by Yusoff

  1. Last Thursday morning, my colleague, while waiting for my plane to arrive, he waited at the road next to the General Apron that leads to the departure/arrival section of PEN. One of the airport police (in uniform) came knocking on the car's window and asked him to leave. He (the Buli) told him that a new 'directive' mentioned that no car should be at near the GA. What bulls**t! Not to cause big fuss early in the morning, my colleague just moved to the car park exit on the opposite side. Those bulis are just getting on our nerves.


    My colleague and I drove company's 4WD that registered under the company. Being a company registered vehicle (which requires a GDL licence just like driving a 1 tonne lorry), the use of seatbelt is not necessary. We were driving through the airport one day and was stopped by those bast*rds and they argued that we should wear the seatbelt. Slightly angered, my colleague nonchalantly asked one of the Bulis: Encik ni baru kerja ke?!! [are you new and just started working?!]. He felt the insult being spitted on him, a small argument heated up between him and the Buli. Realized that he was stupidly mistaken, he let us go with a warning. Pfffttt...! As if we did something wrong!... Those Bulis in PEN are sooooo irritating nowadays...!

  2. Omega Tanker left at 11am and still hasn't return as scheduled. Chis!!

    Hajj flight left about 12pm. Wilson got them. Cilaka!!


    Here's some from last few days:






















    HS-AAJ Somehow, a B733 looks cute... :lol:









    9V-TAD "Auummmm....!"












    Something wrong with the lights throughout the days.... According to Chaity, there was a tech problem over here.. hmmmmph.! :lol:

  3. It was raining and the road especially the coastal highway was jammed. Arrived at 8, AWC already left :(

    But... I got these instead.


    8.32am. TG old cs.


    Full frame with little space to crop, thus the 'off centre'.


    8.44am. Moments later, the Kiwi is leaving.



    It was drizzling, with occasional lightning, hazy and I was already an hour later for work. Upon leaving, an RMAF fighter jet did 2 or 3 touch and go. Grrr.... :angry:

  4. WSJ

    AUGUST 26, 2009, 8:56 P.M. ET


    In the Air, Wi-Fi Gets a Ho-Hum Reception




    More than 500 airliners are flying around the U.S. with wireless Internet access up and running, but airlines are finding that the technology that they hope will bring new revenues may be more like in-flight meals: People gobbled up food when it was free, but they find it a lot less appetizing when they have to pay.

    Well, this thing is normal. Even here in Malaysia, especially during open houses.


    Probably most (casual) travelers think the absence of internet for few hours is okay. Paying for it if unless urgently needed. And most like to rest and sleep during flight. Why bother to update your Facebook when you need to pay for it.

  5. Why stop there, why not report to the MACC about the use of Government cars for personal use or the use of government telephones for personal use or even the use of government pen to write love letters! Sheesh, they really know how to make a small issue into a big issue. Politicians, go figure!

    Can I conclude that the Nuri is the size of the real nuri bird and the fuel it guzzles for that purpose is about the price of half a packet of seeds.

    Or maybe the pen used for love letters is the size of pokok balak [timber tree] and the ink used per letter is about 3 barrels of kerosene... ;) :D :D

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