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Posts posted by Yusoff

  1. One word: Ambik Kau Airbus! (Take that,Airbus!)

    Ermm.. that would be 3.. :p :lol: Just kidding..


    I hope they could pull this off and settle everything fast and final. Airbus just need to work harder for the A380. Scrapping it would be equal to digging its own grave. The introduction of B747 too not without flaws, but the less the flaws the better maa..

  2. Would it make any difference had MH installed something like this??


    Taken from airliners.net. Seats are from DJ. It offers flexibility between converting C to Y.


    Wish i could ride on an aircraft with windows and drapes like that... and the wall... :p

  3. My turn..


    Apart from having it's starboard side's winglet painted with Union Jack, XAB is also nicked 'Xcalibur'... What's next? FA's will greet the pax with free Robin Hood's hat on the inaugural flight? :rolleyes:


    For much better 'nosey' shots, I hand over to Azahan... Han, come bleed our noses with XAB's..


    The MLA with reversers armed:



    Unexpectedly... sorry for the sun-glare/reflection on the motto



    Current 'hot items' side-by-side. Well... almost...






  4. The thing is, people dont want to change from what they used to. Legacy. Me included.

    Suvarnabhumi and JFK (and the rest) were being named the first day the airport appeared. People can accept it while it is new. But not like simply wanted to change to something else from what people used to. What was Ali Rustam thinking? Like giving Dato' title to someone and being used to called by it? Gila!

  5. Yep, sure's a nice book...but why did you buy from amazon? I've seen the book on the shelf at Borders...

    I know it's available at Borders and MPH but did you checked the price? I got mine about RM10 cheaper than both bookstores (S&H included), plus I break no sweat for parking or fuel. Just sit and wait at home... Things you can do at home nowadays... :)

  6. Speaking of books, I also highly recommend this book written by Joe Sutter himself on the B747 programme. It is an interesting read that contains many unique viewpoints which are not mentioned in other B747 books. :good:


    747 by Joe Sutter, Smithsonian.



    :yahoo: I'm one happy chap today!... I just recieved this book I purchased over the Amazon in less than 2 weeks. And at a bargain price of USD$4.00 too (new, paperback)...


    Thanks for the recommendation Hoe Jyh! A nice book to read :good:

  7. http://www.avherald.com/h?article=41551188&opt=0


    Accident: Northwest B744 near Tokyo on Feb 20th 2009, turbulence injures 43 passengers

    By Simon Hradecky, created Friday, Feb 20th 2009 07:31Z, last updated Friday, Feb 20th 2009 17:03Z


    A Northwest Airlines Boeing 747-400, registration N676NW performing flight NW-2 from Manila (Philippines) to Tokyo Narita (Japan) with 408 passengers and 14 crew, was in a holding near Chiba 40nm south of Narita about 30 minutes before landing with seatbelt signs turned on, when the airplane encountered severe turbulence and suddenly departed its assigned altitude of 15000 feet. A number of passengers, who had not fastened their seatbelts, were thrown out of their seats and hit the ceiling. The crew reported about 2-3 injuries via radio, but did not declare emergency. The landing 30 minutes later at 12:19 local (03:19Z) was safe. A total of 43 passengers were injured in the upset and were brought to hospitals. Initially reported two serious injuries turned out less severe. However, Japanese officials reported later, that one passenger received a serious injury (neck fracture).


    Northwest Airlines said, no crew got injured in the accident.

    I'd say, served them right. That's what you get if you are so stubborn to fasten your seltbelt...


    And I love this guy's comment:


    By Delta on Friday, Feb 20th 2009 17:03Z


    Maybe an acutal video of people hitting the ceiling during a safety demo would help people understand that sometimes turbulance isn't a few bumps that spills your drink. Like smoking on a plane, they should have the same fine for people who ignore instructions.


    I always wondered why they couldn't have the same technology in cars that alerts you when you don't have your seatbelt on. The crew could easily be alerted to those folks that ignore the signs.


    Amazes me how people always unbuckle as soon as the sign goes off, is it the uncomfortable to wear?


    If anyone ever lands on me after hitting a ceiling, they'll get another trip through the cabin from the end of my foot :)


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