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Maarof Kassim

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Posts posted by Maarof Kassim

  1. Friday Spotting.


    It was a bit akward for me to spot on a Friday. But this spotting on 17th November 2006 had its surprises. First, there was no MAB to disturb me. Second, Azahan was already there at Oscar Hotel with Mr. Saw of Sungai Pelek. Third, I had a few surprises.




    Weather was good. The best I've seen for months.


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    First surprise MPD Hibiscus.


    I think Azahan would take his usual close-ups, but for me this is good enough. Raj C. will love this shot with the two background structures.


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    If this late rotation was caused by a full load then it is good for MAS


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    I love this view


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    First surprise, Thai Star Alliance 330

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    Notice the blue sky behind this Indian Airlines 320


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    Qatar came. I don't like this colour, a bit dull to me.


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    China's flower came.


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    After that I had to go to the KLIA mosque for Friday prayers. More pictures to follow...












  2. I see this thread had been active for the last few days. So as not to be left out here's my only contribution.


    For Raj, I wish I have one of those bazookas. But for safety reasons please don't post my photo here.


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  3. I planned to shoot from 14L after the long break. So I went to the ladang on 10th November 2006 afternoon. Chaity, Kevin Teh and Raj Changela were already there. Before I could do anything the rain came. Our friends left with loaded memory cards I suppose. I took shelter at Cowboy Town and returned after the rain stopped. By then arrivals and departures had shifted to 32R. I dunno whether it was due to the rain.


    Still I took a few shots at the ladang first.


    Miss Eva just departed


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    Maskargo just rotated leaving mists behind


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    Maskargo up up and away


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    KLM arrived and was leaving the runway. Notice that only one light was working on the right wing


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    Then decided to move to Oscar Hotel hoping for a MAB free spotting.


    Just outside Cowboy Town saw this minor accident.


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    First shot at Oscar Hotel, Royal Brunei A319


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    Merpati baby Boeing followed


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    Airbus galore


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    Another Airbus galore


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    Boeing's turn for a galore


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    KLM departing


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    You can see clearly the non-working light.

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    Maskargo arriving gracefully


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    But smoking at touchdown


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    A few more to come....












    Suggestion: get dressed similar to the Hotel Manager, and they won't harress you :lol: :nea: :rofl:


    I guess I was given away by my car. Normally I came spotting using my bike (scooter) which I could bring right to the spotting positions. But now they have put up obstructions so that either you park you car at the foot of the hill or beside the guard house. At the later position (that's where I parked) you car can be spotted from kms away. So fellow spotters be aware of that.





    Who is the Hotel Manager??? :blink:




    The nickname for the Indonesian worker always found working at Observation Hill (Oscar Hotel). The last time I visited the Hotel he was nowhere to be seen. It turned out to be a bad omen for me as I was ordered to leave by the MAB authorities. After numerous visits to the Hotel that was my first time being asked to leave.



  6. Yup... looks like Air India Express 738... Sari Girl??,

    guess you haven't got the chance to shoot her when

    the Hotel security asked you to leave since the Hotel Manager

    wasn't around to greet you.... :pardon: :D


    But good shots and you got the SriLankan's A340 there :good:


    and the late rotations are awesome.. especially the queen with condensation on wings... :clapping:


    A bit hazy on Sunday eh?? :blink:


    Thanks you guys for the correction. This is the shot of the Sari Girl as it passed over the Pos Office area. It was then that I decided to move to the pond.




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    Pieter, you really look for the details. I didn't notice the eye-brows.




    Norman, the weather was rather misty os opposed to hazy. Hope to see you soon....





  7. As an answer to Chaity's SOS to brightsiders I went to Oscar Hotel on 5th November 2006. It was not a happy return to the Hotel for me after the long layoff as I'll explain later. Nevertheless please accept these not so perfect pictures from me.


    Indian Airlines with the computer Escape key intials. If you look closely there is one more IA 320 waiting o move to 14L.


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    Sri Lankan 340. My wish to shoot it rotating was dashed.


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    Good take-off from this MH 777. No metal dropouts though.


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    Rather late rotation from this MH 330

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    The same situation for this 747. It had me worried a bit.


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    Bad news, after that I was chased by MAB. I had a bad feeling earlier as I did not see the Hotel Manager around.




    So I shifted to the pond. These were the only ones I got.




    AK Jalur Gemilang with the funny nose.


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    No wonder MUFC is riding high on top of the EPL.

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    After this I went home and fetched my family to spend Hari Raya at the Klang Valley.







    :lol: :lol: It's original Canon vest... sponsored by Canon Malaysia as consolation prize for

    an online photo contest. I don't know why Nikon Malaysia don't sponsor this kind of contest.. :pardon:

    Brightsider can still wear that vest in our weather... see the netting? The front pockets can store at least

    a 30D body, the one another 400D, and the rear pocket can store your 70-200 f/2.8 USM IS L lens :rofl: :rofl:


    If you wear this vest in an event... the organiser will push you to the front, thinking you're one

    of the official photog... :rofl: :rofl:


    Bro Norman, you've seen my body/torso. Can the outfit fit mine? If so I am interested, but after Raya la, got to hand out duit raya to lots of nephews, nieces and so on first.




    sorry to stir things up here thou..i live in the heart of SBN..you can reach sungai pelek in 20-25mins from seremban via the old seremban-banting road. i go there almost every weekend(including today), driving at abt 70-80kms p/h.


    perhaps different route, different time frame. hop on my back and i'll show you how easy it can get going over there. i guess going to klia is long because there isn't a direct road linking sbn to klia..even the highway goes from one end to another end before u reach klia wherelse the old sbn-klang road leads u directly to sg pelek..no 360 or 180 turn..


    Ramani, if you go into the "Pictures Speak a Thousand Words" thread you can see that once I argued and argued until I got my facts correct. Now from the maps availabe with me I can see that the distance from Sg. Pelek to Lukut (the junction not the town) alone is 27.2 km and the distance from there to Seremban via the normal Federal road is 25 km. Of course you can go from Lukut to Seremban via the S'ban-PD Hingway. Still with the travelling speed you mentioned plus the allowed 110 kmph for the highway I still doubt you can go from Seremban to SP in 25 minutes. Remember you have to start with 0 kmph and you have to deal with slow going traffic, the winding road from Lukut to Sepang and all that.




    Welcome to MW, Sri Ramani K. :clapping:


    I didn't know Seremban is only 20 mins away from SP. Are you referring to normal tar road travel or some estate short cut ? :D

    Sorry, I have to make clarifications here. If Sri Ramani is talking about the time taken to go from Seremban Town to SP, it is not correct. I stay in Seremban Town and it takes me about 40 minutes to go to KLIA alone. But if he is talking about the District of Seremban it may be so. After all the KLIA quarters is in the District of Seremban.


    Thanks for pointing it out, Maarof.


    I guess my car plate starting with 'B' would be a bit out of place in this town. :D


    BTW, any idea how far/near this town is away from N9 ?




    Well, SP is 9.2 km from Sepang Town and Sepang Town is just meters away/near the N9 border. Btw both SP and Sepang are nearer to the N9 towns of PD, Nilai and Seremban as compared to the Selangor towns/cities of Klang, PJ or Shah Alam. So its natural that folks from the two towns prefer to buy and register their cars and bikes in N9. And they don't have to endure traffic jams to do that, hee hee.




    Like most towns here in Malaysia, quiet and less traffic.


    I forgot to mention, he is riding a motobike .

    Short cut should be less than 20km but he took extra 5 minutes to reach our meeting point. :p


    I don't have any outstanding summons, so meeting in front of police station is fine/OK for me. :lol:


    Chaity, if you look closely most of the vehicles in Sungai Pelek use number plates starting with 'N' although the town is in Selangor.



  13. I think any co that prides itself as a service-oriented co should not make comments such as these. No one seems to realize that members of the public see the employee (regardless of rank/title) as a "representative" of the co (representing its values, professionalism, attitude, ethical standards, service capability, etc).



    I totally agree. A few years ago I travelled MH Business Class. To be fair it was my first time at the KLIA Satellite Building and my first Y Class travel too. The time was about 10.30 pm. After getting off the aero-train I saw the Golden Lounge was situated on the 1st Floor but with no visible signs showing how to go up there. I stopped a MH stewardess who was passing by and asked for directions to go up there. She just shrugged and replied "Tak tau" or "Don't know" and walked off. I was totally disappointed beacuse to me there and then (sorry MH employees) the 2 three letter words reflected MH itself. It would make hell of a difference had she replied like "Sorry, I'm not sure, I haven't been up there myself" or something like that.



  14. Aiya, it CANT be worse than the Kuala Terengganu Airport...aiyo...it's really like Medan Selera, and when you check in right, your bag that you put on the conveyor belt directly goes out to the airfield area! Damn cheapo one LOLOL


    The Kuala Terengganu Airport is under renovations anyway. I was there recently. The taxi driver told me the upgrading was to be done long ago, but when the state fell to the opposition party it put on hold. Now that "U Must Not Oppose" got back the state the project is in full swing.





  15. I went spotting on Monday 18th September 2006. After looking at the pictures taken I realised that they're of the same planes already posted here on this thread. So I post the only plane not yet posted. Here it is.


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    This plane reminds me of the album "The Beatles" by the Beatles. When every pop group was producing colourful album sleeves following the Beatles own "Sgt.Peppers' Lonely Heart Club Band" the Beatles produced one album with a pure white cover even without any writing except the words "THE BEATLES" embossed in white lettering. So everybody called it "The White Album".



  16. Nice shots Norman.


    Just a correction to your comments.


    Bahrain, the "home state" of Gulf Air has Emirs as heads of state. Dubai, "home state" of Emirates, are the ones who have Sheikhs.


    Some general knowledge there :)




    Emirs, Sheikhs, Sultans.... I don't fancy hereditory families running countries.



  17. Well, Yesterday September 16th happened to be the Malaysian Armed Forces Day. I guess the copters mentioned earlier were performing rehearsals for the celebrations. I remember when Formula 1 first came to Sepang part of the opening ceremony was an air show by the RMAF.The fighter planes based in Kuantan flew over my house in Seremban (as do passenger planes now) to go to Sepang and back. What noise they made then.

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