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Amin Said

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About Amin Said

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  • Birthday September 2

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  1. Notice above the kuari, at the summit of bkt Lanjan, there are a few Mansions up there, try zoom it,really nice. You can only see these when you fly low level.
  2. Just to share some view which you dont get to see while driving at LDP toll. http://www.klfly.com
  3. The pilot in command getting ready before the crash.
  4. Great shots. The pilot survived the crash but badly hurt his wallet. The total cost for the Sky Hawk was RM45K. Can buy a car with that.
  5. No problem. there is also the RMAF museum at the entrance of the base. You can take lots of shots there and also climb to the cockpit. Lots of historical aircraft there.
  6. Was told from an insider that the aircraft which crashed did a role or a loop before it crash.. Not sure how true this is.
  7. Not sure how far can u go on the apron, be advise this is a military base, they might not allow u to go too far take some shots.
  8. HI All, There will be an Air Carnival At Sg. Besi Saturday 13th Dec 2008, for those who wanna try the cessna this would be a good opportunity. Only RM70. Open to public from 9am to 6pm. I will be there to fly the aerial display formation team and Joy Rides.
  9. HI All, There will be an Air Carnival At Sg. Besi Saturday 13th Dec 2008, for those who wanna try the cessna this would be a good opportunity. Only RM70. Open to public from 9am to 6pm. I will be there to fly the aerial display formation team and Joy Rides.
  10. rsfc 75 rsfc 75 rsfc 75 rsfc 75 rsfc 75 rsfc 75 rsfc 75th Anniversary Celebrations Schedule of Events Saturday 13th December 2008 RSFC Treasure Hunt RSFC Club House, Sungai Besi Breakfast and Lunch provided for Driver, Navigator and Back Seat Drivers Goody Bag for all in car with Drinks and Snacks and Souvenir RSFC Aviator Cap and T-Shirt 0800: Registration and Breakfast. 0830: Briefing for all participants. 0900: Flagoff by Panglima Operasi Udara, RMAF (Lt.Gen. Dato' Rodzali Daud 0900 – 1230: Treasure Hunt around KL Question papers and photographs will challenge your navigation and observation skills. 1230-1330: Treasure Hunt ends at the RSFC Club House with Lunch for participants 1445-1500: Prize Giving Ceremony for Treasure Hunt participants. Entry Fee: RM100 per car (inclusive of 4 person team) Sponsored by Joy Flights and Air Display Children of all ages will be entertained throughout the day with Colouring Competitions, Musical Chairs and much more by Members of the House and Social Committee of the Royal Selangor Flying Club Kuala Lumpur Air Base, Sungai Besi Joy Flights around Kuala Lumpur City Fly with Instructors from RSFC at RM70 per adult pax (Children below 12 - RM50) 0900-1000: Club House Acivities Music with DJ RSFC Booth CTRM Booth MSAF Booth 1000: Hangar and Airfield open to Public 1000-1030: Selangor Formation Aerial Display by 4 Eagle 150B Aircraft 1030-1045: MSAF Formation Aerial Display by 3 Cessna 172 Skyhawk Aircraft 1100-1400: Joy Flights for Public and RSFC Family 1400-1330: Selangor Formation Aerial Display by 4 Eagle 150B Aircraft 1430-1445: MSAF Formation Aerial Display by 3 Cessna 172 Skyhawk Aircraft 1500-1700: Joy Flights for Public and RSFC Family 1700-1715: Selangor Formation Aerial Display by 4 Eagle 150B Aircraft 1715-1730: MSAF Formation Aerial Display by 3 Cessna 172 Skyhawk Aircraft 1800: Departure of Visiting Aircraft Base Close Entry Free to All ***** SAFETY NOTICE ***** Attention all Pilots operating from Sungei Besi Airfield Please be aware that 3 (three) cranes are now situated on the centreline half a mile from the threshold of Runway 22 These cranes extend up to 600‘ agl and should be considered a hazard at all times. Another crane is situated 100 metres to the East of these cranes and is of similar height When Runway 04 is in use it is suggested that after takeoff and at 200’ a slight deviation to the LEFT (towards Times Square) should be taken, resume Runway heading only when the obstructions have been passed. Please note all actions are at Pilots discretion
  11. HI All, RSFC is celebrating its 75th Anniversary this Sat the 13th Dec 2008 at Sg. Besi airport. There will be some air display by Selangor Formation Team using 4 x Eagle 150 and by MSAF formation team using 4 x cessna 172, Cessna joy rides avaiable and helicopter joy rides ( not confirm yet ). Light Aircraft from all over Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand will be participating. RC turbine jet will be doing some air display also. Open to Public from 8am to 6pm.
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