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Kenneth T

Malaysia Airlines Website New Look

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Day 6... Website is still not fully functional. At least you have something to look at when you select Malaysia as the country but the maintenance page still comes up when I select Australia. This is truly unbelievable. :o

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Did anyone noticed that the picture on the home page is 'inverted'? i.e. FA's nametag supposed to be on the left chest :)

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I couldn't view my booking. I am flying KUL-BWN coming Friday and would like to make meal selection. Is it too early to view or is it bug problem with the new website?


BTW, like what Andi've said, the pix on the homepage is 'flipped'.


MH, come on! Wrong time to change your webpage.

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Some of the photos used as banners in some of the pages are so old. It's still showing the seats pre-2004 refurbishment!





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Ever since Andi's post #73, I've been paying particular attention to (female) FAs' chests, left ones specifically :p

And there you have another instance of an 'inversion'

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What kind of airline that staged its promotional photos for its website using mock up cabin at the safety drill area? Seriously?


I mean SQ went shooting to San Francisco, Paris, Rajashtan and China just to shoot a 1 minute commercial!

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I don't think they're old pictures. Looks like the mock up cabins in the safety drill area. haha.


You're right. Just look at the windows and ceiling area.

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Day 10 and the website is still not working properly. I can't even get a proper page up when I select Australia as the country. This has gone from ridiculous to pathetic now. It is stuff like this that make MAS the laughing stock of other full-service airlines like SQ and QF. :angry:

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Can somebody tweet the CEO about how crappy the MH website actually is? Looks nice until you start using it or focus on the details. I bet you the management probably just had a quick look at the pictures and did the sign-off. Nobody looked into the details or functionalities...typical MH.

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when you are registered you can log in.

I managed to login using IE8 but not IE7. On IE7, the pop-up for entering the login details will not be shown properly.


Day 10 and the website is still not working properly. I can't even get a proper page up when I select Australia as the country. This has gone from ridiculous to pathetic now. It is stuff like this that make MAS the laughing stock of other full-service airlines like SQ and QF. :angry:

Agree. So called 5-star yet they cannot get their website to function properly.


Looks nice until you start using it or focus on the details. I bet you the management probably just had a quick look at the pictures and did the sign-off. Nobody looked into the details or functionalities...

Reminds me of the SilverFly website not long ago...

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It's really pathetic, isn't it? :angry: I'm about to book flights to Europe and Ican't even do that on their own website! <_>

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It's really pathetic, isn't it? :angry: I'm about to book flights to Europe and Ican't even do that on their own website! <_>


Where's the CEO? Asleep or on extended vacation?

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tengkuazmil @sanjaythaker Thanks for the feedback! Can you provide some suggestions?


Tengku would like to have your feedback after I tweeted him about the problems you guys have been facing. Anyone could specifically point out to the bugs you have come across? Should assist him in ironing them out with the IT dept.

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That would be everything that has been posted in this thread beginning from reply #48 onwards. That's a lot of tweets. And I believe a lot more in MH's Facebook walls if the CEO and its IT Department bother to read them. Ini pun dia nak spoon fed?

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tengkuazmil @sanjaythaker Thanks for the feedback! Can you provide some suggestions?

With all due respect, that would be what is expected from a PR personnel trying to buy time, not the CEO :blink:

Edited by BC Tam

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