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Mohd Suhaimi Fariz

Does anyone remember the MAS Space Station Commercial?

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Does anyone remember the MAS Space Station commercial, where there was a space station shaped like the wau logo? It played back in the mid-90s. I've been searching for it online, but can't seem to find it. From what I've heard, the commercial cost so much because they used the guys who did the SFX for the Star Wars, that they basically have not enough money to air it so many times! I'd sure like to see it again.

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yeah..i think its not space station, more like a flying airport a la flying aircraft carrier sort of..

Edited by Fahiruz

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I have some stickers of the wau-shaped MH mothership with B747s flying all around it. Silly concept as planes can't fly in outer space with no oxygen to feed the turbofan engines!



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I hope no more copies exist! It was one of the worst ads ever!

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I hope no more copies exist! It was one of the worst ads ever!

Worst? I like it. I thought it was revolutionary. A dream (well, definitely not achievable) of a more advanced future on an airline.

Edited by Yusoff

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I've voiced this concern before, but isn't it scary that MH envisaged even back then that they'll still be flying the 744's when interplanetary travel becomes reality ? :p

Goes some way in clarifying Captain Radzi's question here - not so soon :)

No wonder the WB replacements programme has been postponed/deferred so often ;)

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Guys..what you all talk/wrote here something that I never heard before..Yelah during early 90's I still small kid and too early to me to understand that..But to be honest,,I still cant imagine what we discuss here,,it is just a commercial advert or a programme that MAS tend to do in past??


I have some stickers of the wau-shaped MH mothership with B747s flying all around it. Silly concept as planes can't fly in outer space with no oxygen to feed the turbofan engines!


Emm Mr. Rozhan,,if you dont mind to share some picture from the stickers..I appreciate if you can share here..at least I have idea how it look..


Thanks and sorry for my ignorance :) :)

Edited by Ashmil Abd Ghani

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Yup, I remember that commercial. It was quite impressive, if I may add. That's is what visioning is all about. It may not be practical from the stand point of 2008 but back then in 1994, the millieu then was different. MAS did capture a piece of what the future MAY look like and for that point in time, it had a vision that may cut real. A flying mothership where planes take off and land - imagine a mobile airport - can be a revolution in air travel, thinking out of the box, of course! Really would like to see that commercial again!

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Yup, I remember that commercial. It was quite impressive, if I may add. That's is what visioning is all about. It may not be practical from the stand point of 2008 but back then in 1994, the millieu then was different. MAS did capture a piece of what the future MAY look like and for that point in time, it had a vision that may cut real. A flying mothership where planes take off and land - imagine a mobile airport - can be a revolution in air travel, thinking out of the box, of course! Really would like to see that commercial again!


I'd like to see it too, but I just couldn't find it anywhere online, not on Youtube or on any other video hosting site. But I did find an old MAS commercial from the 80s when they still flew the old red livery with the Jawi writing of MAS beside the flag.

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Hey, I remember they showed this commerical here in Australia too.

One of my favorite airline commericals, which I can still remember.


If any one can track down a copy, would love to see it again.

Edited by Karlm

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I did asked one of my friends in MAS Academy library some time ago if they can find a archived copy, too bad the answer then was "no".

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I did asked one of my friends in MAS Academy library some time ago if they can find a archived copy, too bad the answer then was "no".

What the heck? If the airline themself can't be bothered to keep it, what are the chances of us ever seeing it again? A big fat zero. I guess they don't want to remember the TR era?

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What the heck? If the airline themself can't be bothered to keep it, what are the chances of us ever seeing it again? A big fat zero. I guess they don't want to remember the TR era?

I definitely don't think MAS did not keep it. It's part if their property and not to mention history. It's just they don't want to easily give/release it to any Tom, Dick and Harry who request it due to copyright and to prevent from some geniuses who would do something with like selling and making money from the commercial.

I understand when the friend from the MAS Academy said 'No' to DavidC's request. I believe that the person got a 'Sorry, can't.' from the library.

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