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Everything posted by Azreen

  1. Sometimes i wonder why ye olde Dato Tony F can't have a quick chat with the PM over this matter and solve it once and for all.... Dato Tony F seems to be hitting all the right notes with everything else he does and certainly works around with people not at my level.. Just a thot...
  2. I wish MAS' CEO would join this forum and share some insights, where possible, to all of us here.. That would be interesting.. I wish MAS' CEO would join this forum and share some insights, where possible, to all of us here.. That would be interesting.. I wish MAS' CEO would join this forum and share some insights, where possible, to all of us here.. That would be interesting..
  3. Just slightly off topic, QR has a direct DOH-MEL route... i wonder if they would consider doing DOH-KUL-MEL soon? Will be interesting to see..
  4. Bro Idham : Dats dugaan of the highest degree!!! I hope your Umrah was much better!!
  5. 2 of them were fitted with the ex RMAF's engines...hahahhaa
  6. My thoughts precisely.. Bravo Capt!!
  7. Had my late Papa been on time at Bayan Lepas, i would have been orphaned at a tender young age of 4!! He missed that flite because he came out late from the mosque... N during those days when communication was less mobile than nowdays, i cant imagine what my mum went thru waiting for dad n at the same time was pregnant, my brother was born on 31 Dec 1977!!
  8. Cash position not too bad,if yield starts to improve too, then they are not in a too bad footing!!
  9. Very interesting MAR.. Thanks. We should set up a steering committee, put our brains together and help? Hahahaaaa
  10. Roger dat.. hope the situation proves us wrong!!
  11. I hope Krispy Kreme will fare better in Malaysia than in Jakarta.. Over the 4 yrs living there, we noticed KK being our neighbourhood donut joint to a very rare mall outlet today. They closed so many outlets throughout South Jakarta, even the one in Plaza Senayan is closed..
  12. Sir - i dont quite understand your question? Can u elaborate.
  13. Trying simulating that scenario Gav!!
  14. 1. Ok clearer now. a) The profit forecast issue is a requirement overseas or a trend? was wandering - the funds raised from private placement will be used to reduce gearing but wouldn't the net effect on the balance sheet be the same? They are still borrowing to repay the debt, rite? 2. Looking at each operation as an independent 'profit' center. I was thinking of a Group wide set up ( right pocket, left pocket). Thanks.
  15. Looks good. 1) But a simple qt will be why do they need to exercise private placements to repay borrowings? 2) Deferement of future deliveries : One would thot that the Indonesian op will need more aircrafts or the whole group as a whole will need xtra capacity to accommodate the high demand?
  16. The Koreans must have lots of investment there to send their B 744 there!!
  17. I just hope they are 'weighing' the idea with the help of some solid and comprehensive data so dat they can make a wise decision!!
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